2009-10-25 13:41:45 UTC
i cant get a strait answer from the state about Question About Food Assistance Program For Service Dogs in Florida, state keeps giving me the run around" congresswomen says food-stamps helps, but food stamps refuse , then i get a call from the state saying its totally separate but i have to prove what i spend in vet bills etc... I and my service dog are squeaking by,,, free shot and tag clinics and out of country heartworm preventatives, and home made dog kibble and stews are how i am caring for my service animal off my food stamps.
how do i get them to pony up if the help is their but no one is willing to do anything..... apparently the state does help if help is needed for service animals food, meds, preventative care, flea and animals cleanliness.
most people who use service animals live under or at poverty level... the bills of what a pet has are higher only because the owners have the means to spend it and not use home remedies or go with out or substitute other things.
Service animal vest, harnesses, handles can cost close to $100.00 or more , patches to keep peoples hands from petting or distracting or reminders of admittance to a store for the working animal are not free they are $10 each or more and shampoo for baths more often are not free , All of this is very costly .
Where is the help? Who is in charge