What are your ideas for solutions around helping our generation's effort to end extreme poverty in the world?
2006-06-10 10:57:55 UTC
Half the world – nearly three billion people – live on less than two dollars a day. Eradicating poverty in our world will take dedication and creative thinking. What ideas do you have to contribute to the solution?
353 answers:
2006-06-12 03:45:22 UTC
Well, this would involve a stable government system, education, and economics:

1) First and foremost it is critical to have a stabilized, democratic government system both to regulate a free market properly and only as necessary and provide social stability for the economic environment to flourish. As far as economics, different governments would then need to provide incentives to bring in different industries suited to the resources (either natural, social, or economic) that are a business/industry can capitalize on in that particular country.

2) Economics is key to addressing worldwide poverty. You can send food and build a house for people in a poor country, but those people are still poor. It IS NOT a long-term solution to the problem. As the economic conditions improve, the quality of life of the people improves too at all levels. Those people that we call poor in the US are wealthy by the standard of the world. It's because we have a powerful economy. However, the economy is very dependent on a stable government and an educated people.

3) Thus, education is another important factor, both academic and financial. The more provisions that governments and charity makes towards education the more it'd help to improve both the social and economics conditions in a positive, continuous cycle. I say financial education because if people are quick to invest or, in the least, put money in a bank, the more money that will be available to the economy for growth, again furthering the cycle I mention before.

These three areas are critical issues that governments and charities need to look at in order to address worldwide poverty. As the worldwide market becomes more "flat", this is simply providing opportunities for third-world countries that are willing to get things together to really capitalize on a great opportunity to bring industry and commerce to their countries in one way or another. As new generations continue to move up into leadership roles in business and government, we need to look at this as a way to bring success to ourselves but to someone else at the same time if we go about it right (considering everything I said above). If we ensure the success of a host nation and people in our business ventures, that success will shine on us in both tangible and intangible ways, leaving a legacy of both hope and accomplishment in the eyes of the world.
2015-12-05 06:27:36 UTC
Now we have a new class of those in poverty because they only get to eat hamburgers. So, where do you draw the line? Global socialism would be the only real way to end "extreme poverty" as you call it. So, are all of you willing to give your income to the gov't and let them provide for your food, shelter, health care? Instead of worrying about global poverty, instead focus on what you can do on a personal basis. Maybe work at a soup kitchen feeding homeless. Donate a little money to the local food pantry. To the person reading this answer, take a look at your surroundings. Yeah, I bet you have a PC maybe with high speed internet. A car outside, probably food in the fridge. Sure, let's say you worked hard for all that. Fine. Did you donate any of your time or a few dollars last year to help someone less fortunate? I'm not saying tithing of some sort is mandatory, but even a few extra dollars from millions of people would really help. Don't rely on the fed gov't to take care of the poor.
2014-10-31 15:38:48 UTC
2) Economics is key to addressing worldwide poverty. You can send food and build a house for people in a poor country, but those people are still poor. It IS NOT a long-term solution to the problem. As the economic conditions improve, the quality of life of the people improves too at all levels. Those people that we call poor in the US are wealthy by the standard of the world. It's because we have a powerful economy. However, the economy is very dependent on a stable government and an educated people.

3) Thus, education is another important factor, both academic and financial. The more provisions that governments and charity makes towards education the more it'd help to improve both the social and economics conditions in a positive, continuous cycle. I say financial education because if people are quick to invest or, in the least, put money in a bank, the more money that will be available to the economy for growth, again furthering the cycle I mention before.
2006-06-11 11:21:03 UTC
Poverty is relative to each individual situation. Let's say the global population suddenly has 3 meals a day. But some receive hamburgers and fish sticks while others are eating steak and lobster. Now we have a new class of those in poverty because they only get to eat hamburgers. So, where do you draw the line? Global socialism would be the only real way to end "extreme poverty" as you call it. So, are all of you willing to give your income to the gov't and let them provide for your food, shelter, health care? Instead of worrying about global poverty, instead focus on what you can do on a personal basis. Maybe work at a soup kitchen feeding homeless. Donate a little money to the local food pantry. To the person reading this answer, take a look at your surroundings. Yeah, I bet you have a PC maybe with high speed internet. A car outside, probably food in the fridge. Sure, let's say you worked hard for all that. Fine. Did you donate any of your time or a few dollars last year to help someone less fortunate? I'm not saying tithing of some sort is mandatory, but even a few extra dollars from millions of people would really help. Don't rely on the fed gov't to take care of the poor.
2006-06-12 11:19:57 UTC
The first step would be a major change in how people think. If Americans were willing to sacrifice ten dollars a day out of their "toy money" it would eradicate a considerable amount of poverty. I'm talking of course Americans that make fifty thousand or more a year. But there arent enough people that are willing to make even a minor sacrifice like that because we are a country of spoiled self centered self righteous idiots.

If this world or even just our country got rid of the military or even just changed their agenda into one of planting trees instead of bombing the environment their would be enough money to feed everyone, provide schools and hospitals with enough left over to give every child who didnt have one, in this country included, a bicycle. While we make war on countries, and we haven't had a war since world war two where anyone has attacked us, there will never be an end to poverty. The only real solution is to get rid of all the branches of the military and free up the money of their idiotic spending.
2006-06-12 10:28:10 UTC
There are really too many ways to end poverty but in reality, we live in a capitalistic world. He who has and he who doesn't. People who do have have a Christian responsibility to share with those who don't. I think that if the govvernments would start enforcing a larger tax on persons who are multi-millionaires, they could potentially use the money to fund other programs for citizens of their country.

I think in this country in particular, where Congress and Senate get an annual cost of living raise, their raises should be eliminated and that extra money that affords them the luxuries that no one else has, could be used to fund training programs and help people get marketable and usable skills to join the work force.

Another idea is stop the wars. That one is self explanatory, war is money and so much money is being poured into wars that make absolutely no sense. When billions of dollars are being spent to kill people, then there is a problem, especially when it creates more poverty and destitution.

Another idea is having all of the leaders of the world forfiet their salaries. They are being well provided for by their government and should not have any other income. They chose to run for the position, they should not benefit hand over fist.

If people just started realizing how much stupid stuff they spend money on, then maybe it would help also. SOme people who are inpoverty are so becasue of bad choices for their finances. Although that is not the case for a large majority, it is for some especially in the United States.
Mr. Wizard
2006-06-11 22:01:11 UTC
Charity, dedication and creative thinking come a wee bit short of ending global poverty; which is a beautiful goal to achieve. Sadly, a more positive step towards gaining a small chance to ending this tragedy involves politics.

Let's take an even deeper look into the first three facets mentioned. Charity: Dozens of philanthropic organizations out there....some decades old--all with the common goal of ending global poverty. BILLIONS of dollars each year donated.....but they don't even make a dent into ending the poverty they set out to do. Why is that, oh how I sometimes wonder???

Dedication/Creative Thinking: Part of the United Nations "mission statement" (created well before the term became a politically correct darling), targets the eradication of world-wide poverty and human suffering. And each nation represented has a couple of pretty impressive, DISCREETLY run "think tanks" (allegedly including the U.S.; Bush's record notwithstanding). Surely with their political clout, muscle and resources--they too could have made some progress towards ending poverty planet wide, wouldn't you think??

Yet we still have on Earth, third world nations--some clueless they're in the 21st Century, where human existence is a living brazen nightmare.

2006-06-11 21:12:35 UTC
Dr. Sachs, hopefully you are not the only person in your rank who feels that poverty levels are far beyond control. Poverty levels have been created by our government, who refuses to take notice. Eradicating poverty must come from those who created it... Being a man of your stature, You should be able to write another Senate/House Bill which might draw attention to this issue, but believe me, our government doesn't care. If they had cared, we wouldn't need you to ask for our solutions. However if you must... here are several solutions:

1) Eliminate governmental spending outside the USA.

2) Share the wealth among those who are living on $2.00.

4) Bring our troops back to protect our home fronts.

3) Eliminate the various classes; "rich, mid-level, poor"

5) Establish no more than 2 vehicles per family.

6) Eliminate prison luxuries; TV, pay phones, etc.

7) Once eliminating the above, there would be no need for State/County assistance (Section 8, food stamps, currently being requested by over one million people).

Poverty begins at home. Solutions begin at home. Until our government realizes this, poverty will continue until our death. Than the next generation will still have the same problem. Soilent Green was a movie to eradicate people, this might be the only solution... unless an Atomic bomb is directed and crashes into our earth, then no one will have to worry about poverty.
2006-06-11 16:20:56 UTC
Well if the Earth's Population was shrunk to a representative 100 people...

57 would be Asian

21 would be European

14 would be from the Western Hemisphere

8 would be African

52 would be female

48 would be male

70 would be nonwhite

30 would be white

70 would be non-Christian

30 would be Christian

89 would be heterosexual

11 would be homosexual

6 would possess 59% of the entire world's wealth, and all 6 would be from the United States.

80 would live in substandard housing

70 would be unable to read

50 would suffer from malnutrition

Pay close attention to the fact, "6 would possess 59? of the entire world's wealth, AND ALL 6 WOULD BE FROM THE UNITED STATES"

Inflation has played a critical role in making a LOT of people in the condition that they are in today. Corporate monsters, like Walmart and ExxonMobil (many many more) need to stop merging. When already large companies merge, millions of dollars that would be somewhere are suddenly displaced and basically thrown away. The merging of companies makes for less competition in some markets, and higher prices, which leads to less money for consumers (Economics 101).
2006-06-11 13:45:57 UTC
I see you already have many answers to your question. I don't have time to read them all at this time, so I will probably repeat something.

As long as you have greedy people in this world, your question does not have an answer, because there isn't one. You cannot contribute something to something you have no control over.

Simply put, our government needs a major overhaul. That will not happen soon enough to save too many people. What in the hell do all the millionaires do with their money? Including the president of the United States? They all have money they could support a poor country on and never miss it. Get the point? There will always be poverty. You can talk about it forever and you are not going to change it.

TO Allie! What happens when you ship all these animals to poor countries? They could be sick, diseased or half dead. Then you want people to eat them. Would they go over dead or alive? Girl, that was a very poor and disgusting answer. The animals are better off getting a shot and going to sleep. Don't give the idiots that run this government any more half assed ideas, they do enough of that themselves.
2006-06-11 11:06:41 UTC
Quit putting the word Dr. in front of a person's name for ********, and let them be paid the same amount as the person who cleans their office. They are both doing their job - why should one get more? Can a person help it if they were born dumb and with no talents?

If I am trying to make a point, I suppose it is start with yourselves. Look at what you do - how you operate from an economic and ethical perspective and ask - if everyone were doing this, would there be poverty in the world? If so, how bad would it be? I.e., if a person is trying to profit as much as possible at their neighbor's expense, someone's gonna do without.

Chrisitians look at the wrong part of the Bible - they quote what "Jesus" was telling Jews about 2000 years ago - will have the poor with you always etc. - seeming to use it as an excuse of sorts to justify the existence of poor people. The most relevant part of the NT is Acts chapter 4 & 5. Look at how the believers gave what they had to the congregation and held all things in common. No one these days is dropping dead for not doing that, so I would not blame a person for doubting if that ever happened - but that is the model for believers to follow from an economic perspective.

I agree to some extent we have to start at home, but frankly some places are blessed with abundant resources and some are virtual wastelands. Neither can everyone live in the good areas. So there has to be give & take - alot more giving from those places which have. People obviously should work to be productive wherever they are.

Yet in the real world, people do what they have to do to get by regardless of anyone else.
2006-06-15 06:17:34 UTC
Why don't anyone say giving to all people new currency and ensure that all are having the least amount needed for growth. I mean rather than checking hoarding of money, rich getting richer and all. Just make that today or just the moment NOW, every single person on this planet earth is having sufficient money to eradicate all his needs for say 'one month atleast.

By this , rich won't be affected that much, hoarders/ politician would also be getting more than there share.

But, but no poor would starve NOW, and would think and start anew life without much struugle. Even for a piece of bread to feed self or family he is struggling NOW.

Inflation and all would not effect that much, as already the same is high.

Try to print/credit into account the money. Make the use of IT more meaning ful

What about free meal.

In our place, long ago , govt. had started free meal at Bus Stands and other places. Even the school where getting the same. The farmers were getting more that what they used to get of the same yield earlier.

All were atleast looking happy and satisfied around at THAT time.

Then new govt. came, all collapsed, again begging, thieft, anger was seen around.

Govt. gave reason that not enough harvest and govt. expenditure budget. Now govt importing the same food items in the state.

Short view of govt., changed the scenerio and again no reforms. poverty increasing.
2006-06-12 14:47:50 UTC
Just a few ideas - it is a momentus task. Here are a variety of thoughts across the board:

**Redefine poverty. $2 is just a measure, not a value of my happiness. I should have a right to clean water, food, home, education, transportation and health care. If I have all those and still only $2 and I am happy. That is ok.

**Redefine the paradigm of political lines. As long as their are "countries" then the power dynamics of have/have not will continue. We are at a time in this world though they are being redrawn. World alliances should be built w/ public-private partnerships.

**"Sustainable Development" is a myth. If it is sustainable from the beginning, then it isn't truly a venture. Just a weeding out process for grants as far as I can see. Ask about the value added and if it is short term, it is short term. So be it.

**Take more risks w/ the millennium challenge project. Do more demonstration risks. For example Evan Church's quest to paint africa and raise money through his prints. Not sustainable, but he raised $20,000 for a clinic in Ethiopia w/ it ( It accomplished a goal and spreads the arts and education through the prints.

**Focus on how land is owned and distributed. If a woman has no opportunity to own land/property - how can she ever build a home. Which should be a right.

**World Health Rights. Build a world health research market. A world health insurance program.

**More programs like SOS Children's villages that while not "PC" they GIVE PEOPLE A HOME. Give people a home. SOS Malawi does a great pen pal program. Why don't American children have pen pals anymore?

**While I appreciate the awareness Bono and Joli-Pitt bring to these causes, why not make rock stars out of community workers? There is a void since Mother Teresa has left us.

-- Random thoughts on the fly. I have more ideas weaved into my travel experiences which can be found on my Yahoo 360.

Good luck! Hope you post your finished work.
2006-06-11 20:15:53 UTC
First, we would have to take a few steps back and pull away from every single country in the worldwhere we have troops. I believe that we need to help better ourselves before we can help others. We need to spend all the money that we are spending in all the other countries and fix this country starting with the border control issue. This includes moving out ALL the illegal citizens and thier illegal families. Next, we need to fix the Gulf of Mexico areas that were hit by Katrina and the other hurricanes almost a year ago. (A year later and there is still flooding! This is unacceptable.) After that, we should make sure that every person in this country has a job and makes an equal amount of money for thier needs. All this stuff about getting paid a buttload of money for the rest of your life just for being a politician for a couple of years is total bull and is not fair for the rest of the country (or world) that is starving and suffering. Then, the national minum wage needs to be raised to a reasonable level. I'm not sure about the rest of the country, but here in West VIrginia, most people are lucky to even have a job that makes more that $5.50 per hour. This is not fair to us and alot of us have to have two and three jobs along with college or our families just to barely scrape by on a paycheck to paycheck basis. It would be easier if we could just have the proper income for our economy.

Now, to make the rest of the world a better place, we need to take all that money that unfairly goes into politicians back pockets and use it to show the people of the poorer countries how to make a living the way we learned how when our great nation was founded. We should not be the only ones who are looked up to in order to save the world every time, either. Other countires like England, France, Spain, The Middle Eastern countries (who are rich from the oil), and places like possibly Japan and China, ect. Every country that has the financial means should chip in. If we would all just stop being so greedy and selfish, we could all rely on each other. After all, that's how a marriage remains self-sustained, right?

Anyway, that is my theory.
2006-06-11 19:07:37 UTC
I wish I could live on two dollars a day! It's interesting that most people think that "If I was a dictator, I'd take other people's money away." To give to the poor - yeah, right! I love the Islamic principle of donating some of your savings to charity - what a good concept. How come so many Islamic countries have any poor? Surely if that system worked, there wouldn't be any?

Good for those who do help - and don't need to be forced at gunpoint to do so! Banning wars is right, of course, but there's way too much profit involved for that to happen.

How about cutting the work hours in half in developed countries?

Most prosperous countries are full of driven workaholics who don't know how to relax or value any activity which doesn't make money. So their response is naturally to earn more and send the surplus to those in need. If people could take time out and travel to poorer countries and live and work there, their values might change for the better.

Also, there are sites you can click on and then sponsors donate aid to the poor:
2014-10-28 14:39:07 UTC
particular country.

2) Economics is key to addressing worldwide poverty. You can send food and build a house for people in a poor country, but those people are still poor. It IS NOT a long-term solution to the problem. As the economic conditions improve, the quality of life of the people improves too at all levels. Those people that we call poor in the US are wealthy by the standard of the world. It's because we have a powerful economy. However, the economy is very dependent on a stable government and an educated people.

3) Thus, education is another important factor, both academic and financial. The more provisions that governments and charity makes towar
2006-06-15 01:30:28 UTC
Donating my time etc...

Making people more aware of the problem.

I'd personally like to start a seed packet program that would allow people to grow their own food and help supplement what they can buy. (if anything) Just don't know how to go about it.

If you have land you do not use let people create community gardens on that land.

Donate books (children's) to head-start programs and daycare centers as many children in povery do not have these things available to them because their parents cannot afford books or educational toys and the children start school at a disadvantage and sometimes never recover hindering their education and later in life their livelihood.

Donate food and clothing as often as you are able, challenge yourself to do it on a regular basis.

Write to my representatives (which I do) to find solutions to ending poverty and hunger.

Other than that I am all ears because the blogs I created to try and help create more awareness and involvement, while new don't seem to get an audience at all, can't post the links here, against Yahoo! R&R, but I am going to keep trying.
2016-01-30 16:24:17 UTC
Economics is key to addressing worldwide poverty. You can send food and build a house for people in a poor country, but those people are still poor. It IS NOT a long-term solution to the problem. As the economic conditions improve, the quality of life of the people improves too at all levels. Those people that we call poor in the US are wealthy by the standard of the world. It's because we have a powerful economy. However, the economy is very dependent on a stable government and an educated people.
2006-06-12 19:07:45 UTC
I believe that governments that have extreme poverty situations should try to decrease taxes that have nothing to do with consumption and that affect jobs, salaries, etc. This should give people more saving power or expenditure power. With this, the money would be moving in a healthier way.

Besides, countries with international debts, should get a little refinancing and maybe a discount. Many of the original debts have been paid, but interests had made them unpayable.

Where there is a lack of work force, it should be allowed the legal migration of people, i.e. in the US, there are some fields where non but foreigners accept the kind of jobs offered. Well, then, for those jobs, allow the migration, with rules obviously.

As countries sometimes do not see their own business opportunities, I believe that rich countries could look and ask for business opportunities in poor countries. Trying to make them environmentally clean, sustainable, and profitable for both parties, no like years before where poor countries tended to lose.

Press governments to be free of corruption, because a 40% of the income is wasted there. The problem here is how to change one country's mentality.
2006-06-12 17:03:30 UTC
People can generally fend for themselves in peacetime. Peace is what the world needs more of. People will settle down and create a living when there are peaceful exchanges in food and currency.

The USA has gone a long way towards this goal. We saved the whole world from WWII and broke the back of the economic engine that created the USSR. The Middle East is our next challenge.

It will not be our LAST challenge, however. If we can find a cure for Aids, malaria and other diseases that ravage the planet the world will be a safer place for children to grow and begin their struggle for a future.

The West has had war declared on it by Islama-fascists and will respond to the challenge. The poorest countries are at the highest risk of being toppled by these terrorists.

I do not want a Holy War..........but we didn't start it or declare it.

We just have to finish it.
2006-06-12 14:42:33 UTC
Extreme poverty is multicausal in nature. Where the causes are capable of being solved rapidly and permanently, we have the opportunity to make a difference to this generation. Certain debilitating diseases, such as River Blindness and the various parasitic infestations among indigenous peoples in South America, mean the difference between a healthy, productive farmer and a dependent, crippled individual who drains community resources. Where there are a high number of refugees who flee fighting and political conflict, there exists the possibility for peace and the potential to return these persons to their lands, although war is a negative-sum economic event leaving all persons affected worse-off (except the arms dealers).

The issues should be addressed most immediately - an endemically diseased populace drains resources not only from amongst themselves but also from the world community. The adage here is that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

However, those causes that are more deeply-ingrained within political, economic and social institutions are more difficult and pose only long-term fixes. They are possible, however. Consider Bangladesh, and the difference made in the last 40 years primarily because girls began to be educated in schools instead of married off at a young age.

One thing is for certain, the brain drain that occurs when Third World scholars attend Western institutions and stay in Western nations will serve only to stall solutions. These scholars are the best equipped to function within their home societies for change within and throughout; the U.S. doesn't need doctors, teachers and scientists nearly as badly as Kashmir, Sri Lanka or parts of Indonesia.
Doctor B
2006-06-12 07:27:31 UTC
I am a Filipino. Two dollars in my country is more than 100 pesos. A single person, with no worries aside from food for himself can grow stout with that money. Double that and he will have food for another person. More and he can have clothing. For ten dollars a day, which is what I am getting, he can support a family of four young children. I am a physician.

Two dollars may be near to nothing in the USA but it can run a life for a day in my country. Poverty is a relative concept that Mark Twain in his "A Yankee in King Arthur's Court" and perhaps other novels, has explained. Economic systems are different in many places. Joining them together, in a single global system, using a currency from a country with much to gain, will expose the discrepancy of world bullish policies. The belief that the answer lies in the other powerful nations has disempowered the people in my country.

We know that we cannot ask the rich countries to give their money to the poor ones, in the true sense of gifts, without anything in return and not treating these gives as loans. Perhaps putting potentials into perspectives, valuing products and services, instead of currency, will give the "poorer" countries a leverage to stand out. Should we have a global currency or eliminate the currency concept all together? Does this mean going back to barter?

The answers are there and as hard as the truth that I do not have all the time in this Internet Cafe to tell more.

Have a good time in your quest.
2006-06-11 22:21:58 UTC
First, sir, we need an open and accountable government. This means democratic governments throughout the world (with free elections with PAPER ballots). Second, we must rid the world of the so called 'free trade' agenda. We are destroying the poorest among us. Trade must be 'fair' not 'free'. Next, we must rid our nation of the corporate owned conservative media. Only when the news tells what is really happening and not the made up conservative truths, can the citizens of our countries (and other countries) be educated about the state of our country and our world.

Finally, then, with govs that are democracies, a world that values 'fair trade' policies, and a media that covers what is really happening in the world (and United States' effect on such events), can we finally start to include dedication and creative thinking into our plan to alleviate extreme poverty. However, it is hard for a country currently experiencing a fall from democracy to be expected to help or even want to help, those suffering in countries throughout the world.
2006-06-11 20:05:43 UTC
There is no single answer to this Question. Governments are too busy protecting thier own interests, poverty is only brought up at election time. Some countries have so much money, but spend it on golden toilet seats, meanwhile a boy down the street dies of a disease easily treated. Our generation helps at a 20 percent rate or less than what we could do, afterall we have problems too. Then we have the people that dont care what your trying to accomplish, they will kill you and say its for religion, so that part of the world is out! The only way to accomplish anything is to have a part of the world that is treated as a safe zone for all whom would care for their fellow man, and mean it, not just on sunday mornings. And you will never see a global monetary unit, or a standard world law that wont be bribed locally somewhere. Your Question will never be solved no matter what your intentions, or desire. You should use your degree to teach the people in school that the world needs one leader, one currency, and to spread out all the professionals globally to teach others. Never will happen though. It will be like teaching the world to fish.
2006-06-12 18:57:49 UTC
firstly- ARE YOU REALLY JEFFREY SACHS? OH MY GOSH! YOU'RE A HUUUUGE CELEBRITY TO ME!! WOWWWWW!!! WE QUOTED YOU FOR MY DEBATE and I've read several essays/ articles that you've writen(my partner and I1st place in entire tournament,the resolution: that the U.S. federal government should dramatically increase aid to developing nations in Sub-Saharan Africa; your ideas helped a lot)

my ideas-first of all, money, despite what people have argued, is needed. Kofi Annan said that $500 billion would be needed IMMEDIATELY to drastically decrease extreme poverty. when 22 countries promised to give .7% of the GDP at the World Summit 30 years ago, only 3 of these countries are meeting this obligation (and the U.S. is giving the least, percent-wise) if we were able to convince these 22 developed countries and others around the world to donate to the abject poor, the monetary funds would be sufficient

however, there are corrupt leaders smuggling the money. Oftentimes, the more monetary aid that is given to a country, the richer the government becomes and the poorer the citzens become, so:

aid money must be given with a specific project that would driectly help the poor in the country, and retract aid money if the guidelines for project are not met

corrupt governments/leaders must be monitorered and tried

also give humanitarian support and essentials such as seeds, etc.

education: educate people about STDs so the alarming number of AIDS deaths among impoverished may diminish, educate farmers about fertilizer and better water management, etc.
2006-06-12 18:06:02 UTC
First off, take all the countries and converge into one nation with the right government. I know this sounds nutty, but if we could learn to get along with each other, that would be a start. Then try to get a suitable living style for everyone. It is pretty bad when the president makes over 4 million dollars for retired and we have people living on the street, dieing. One language in public. If we don't do something in the near future, we all well be looking at death in the eyes. Just take a look at some the movies, and fiction could be reality. ( 1 ) Red Dawn, ( 2 ) Independence Day,

( 3 ) Agent Green. That just to name a few.
Benjamin A
2006-06-12 15:41:47 UTC
The answer to extreme poverty is simple and can be summed up in a simgle word: freedom.

In countries where there is true freedom, there is little to no poverty. Here in the U.S. the poor get food, water, plumbing, shelter, jobs, etc. The notion of poverty here is regonalized to the few places that wish to remain isolated or are not prepared to move beyond the level at which they exist. Don't mistake homelessness or crime with poverty. Don't lump the poor into that group.

In other countries, the only poverty, barring the inaccesible or unready, is located in the dictatorships, tyrannies, and communist countries. To fix those places, democracy must be introduced and fought for. But freedom must take hold before democracy can work.

Now, I don't advocate the military liberating the world. A forced democracy won't work. Take a look at Russia. It wasn't ready and it is slipping back into its old ways. Even in India, where there is a great democracy, there is freedom only for a small sector of their population, making poverty worse. But in places like Iraq and Georgia and even Iran where the people wish to be free, it will come. And with it comes opportunity to succede.

What is needed is a way to make more of the world free... free to live and grow, free to think and to earn a living.
Cheshire Cat
2006-06-12 15:17:38 UTC
We need to re-examine our definition of extreme poverty if we are measuring in dollars. Some people can survive quite comfortably and happily on NO dollars a day and they like it that way. Their lives are simple and they live in greater harmony with nature.

The problem, then is the other end of the spectrum: creation of a class of people with the ability to destroy lives at the push of a button or nod of the head. Laws are also created to perpetuate poor conditions for people - enslaving them via wages and dead end career options. Also inherent in this oppresive system of government is the creation of economic situations designed to persuade men and women to prostitute themselves in various ways - from joining the army to signing up to be in a cheap and degrading porno - just to attempt to have a better life that was based on false promises in the first place. These situations also exist because of the abuse of power of those that have far more than their fair share.

I hear complaints that limiting wealth would not reinforce success and maybe that is true. But maybe it is also true that every once in a while a dragon needs to be slain and its hoard redistributed amongst the those that worked hard and were screwed out of their fair share. Perhaps the solution is more of this. We need to slaughter those rich that become corrupt and abuse their power. Then they can have their incentives, yet have good reason to be ethical as well...

I say this because, when I see so many rich people out there that have so much power and yet things remain the same, I am led to think that it must be so because they WANT it to be so. I don't exist to sustain some rich fool's fantasies. The people have slaughtered off the pompus rich time and time again in history and it seems to me that the pressure is once again building. Either a system of ethics needs to be built into wealth or the masses will again reach a point of rage and clean house. It's messy and indisciminant and doesn't necessarily fix the problem (see the Bolshevik revolution and Vandals' sacking of Rome).

I expect this next class-based war to be the messiest ever. We could really wipe ourselves out next time... So I'm a bit worried about it... but not totally. I don't have any personal investment in future generations, so I don't bother much with this. Still, it would probably be a shame to see humanity wipe itself out. At the very least I'd be embarrassed by association.
2006-06-12 03:52:30 UTC
well - maybe someone should figure out a way to stop the less-than-2-dollars-a-day ppl from reproducing so much...? They don't have an average of 2-kids-per-household, it's more like 5 or 6..! No wonder they get poorer by the minute.

If anyone opens their eyes and looks, prosperity has led to a fall in the birth rate of many nations. Conversely, a fall in the birth rate, will also lead - to an extent - to prosperity. The same finite resources can be better shared and managed, better education can be afforded for the smaller populace who then get smarter in every generation (smarter meaning: being able to maintain the good, reduce the bad, improve the status quo)'s a fairly standard pattern that has happened over and over - Europe wasn't always rich you know.

Now, I agree that a lot of the poverty is practically the result of bad imperialistic greed in the past centuries and that even today the poverty is being maintained by resources-ownership by foreigners (western) not to mention militia-style control over the locals (e.g. central america). However, there is *nothing* that will improve the lot of the 3rd world poor, if they don't stop popping out so many goddamm babies. It's bad for them, it's bad for the rest too.

How hard can it be to give economic incentives to families with fewer children? Money works - infact the reason they make so many kids is rarely religious (except muslim lands) or moralistic (anti-birth-control) - it's usually to have an extra pair of hands to work; till the fields; sell in the city; if they economic incentive is there, I think families will produce fewer children. They will see *within one generation* how much better they all live. Other will mimic, as they see the benefits (rise in life standard) too.

That's how we can solve the world's problems.
2006-06-12 00:06:36 UTC
Well..i have to say, their should be an equal effort by the respective government of that country and the people. No matter how much we strive to get rid of this problem, it is a never ending issue because in my view, as the economic is growing, more and more money is flowing and the people in the upper class (rich) are getting rich and unfortunately the government would be also be on their side in helping them in paying less taxes and so on. This not only drenches the economic of the middle class people, but will slowly kill the revenue factor to help and improve the poor people. Countries like China, India and Africa and many more, have the highest rate of poverty. Yet nothing is being done to help such people, though the government of India and China is more interested in military and useless issues and is spending billions of money for something that wouldn't matter to the citizens of their own country.

As I see it, all the countries should first help the poorest country like Africa and help them heal. This will not only encourage the other countries to make a difference, but will also boost confidence in living a life for others.
2006-06-11 17:38:49 UTC
i would found an international military, called the ILAWP (the International Liberation Army for the World's People). this military would, one by one, focus completely on ousting oppressive dictators and quelling any rebels, insurgents, and basically anyone who would try to stop the peace from being established. then my next agency, the CWPS (the Civilized World of Political Stability) would then step in, acting as a mediator and holding elections while making sure any political unrest will be avoided. the IMM (the International Military Mentors) will train new troops and keep the peace while the ILAWP goes onto another unstable country.

see, by creating a stable political environment, with good leaders, infrastructure will be built or improved, allowing for a further developed economy with jobs. jobs will reduce poverty... its that simple. all the agencies are international and that keeps the burden off of one country's shoulders, and every country involved contributes a certain amount depending on its gross income. The idea is that when one country gets liberated, it joins the movement and further spreads the expenses of the agencies thinner. developed countries open new markets, so that can be considered the reward for the countries participating in the program. in fact, we can get rid of the UN and replace it with my programs.

now, schools can be established, without inteference from a corrupt leader. education is great, and the overpopulation issued may be addressed by education. when people get educated, they may want to get their jobs or carreers on track before establishing a family, and they may have less kids so they can focus on their jobs. poverty will be eradicated using this strategy, as long as everyone is willing to negotiate instead of killing each other.
Tommy Covent Garden
2006-06-12 12:07:52 UTC
Two dollars a day seem an appalling amount of money, but your question is a cultural one:

Two "bucks" is a lot of money depending on where you're living... A Vietnamese woman in her early 40's would have enough with two bucks to feed her family of 5 for a week. 2 bucks will provide enough class furniture for 5 children in B. Fasso. 2 bucks can buy enough rice for a whole village for a week in Somalia. So, I guess the consumption power of two dollars is a very depending on your location.

What need to be questioned is our own system of values. I'm having a very simple idea: You can't give more to the poorest side of the worlds as this would be unfairly shifting the world balance, but WE can all use LESS. Our western societies are using internet, getting addicted to Blackberry and sodas, we are, on a daily basis, consuming and wasting way too much, check out your garbage cans...

So the first thing we should work upon is ourselves, and admit that there are different cultures and societies which are indeed, very different from us and need to be respected as such. You cannot bring democracy to people, they have to conquer it. Teach a man how to fish instead of bringing him a frozen one.

A nation, an ethnia, a color have to be respected as we're talking about human beeings. Ending poverty will pass by accepting our own faults and understanding that poverty is relative.

European of the past centuries considered far East Asia and Africa as big cakes that they would share: "a land of plenty crowded with monkeys".

We must stop evaluating areas of the world depending of their richness. Southern America calls the USA "the green imperialist": you can't use ressources from the rainforest -but I'll have that beautifull brazillian wood coffee table".

We must STOP exploiting ressources from the entire world.

Now, let's deal with the locals: Dropping food cases and clothing from an airplane is necessary now, but not a long term solution. Education is the key, I mean technological and medical education. Giving developping countries the means to really be in control of their ressources is the only way for them to acquire independance and self sufficiancy.

Only them hold the key to their own developpment and we must help them to do so with arms wide open and no hidden agendas, then we'll let the good old offer and demand law apply. If we want oil, we'll pay for it at the right price. Otherwise, we'll use alternative energies! If you want a diamond from the southern african mines for your wife, by all means, buy one, but why is it so expensive? Because the demand is high and the product is rare. Why don't you go for a icy glass ring?

Let's re-evaluate our needs and at the end, prices will get down to a right value, simply because we do not need all we are buying.

How much is two pounds of grounded coffee these days? how much do you think the plantations are selling it?

Developping countries need education AND need to be allowed to sell their productions at a decent price. Gradually, you'll see the gap between our societies diminish and fade, ending poverty to a world scale.
julienne m
2006-06-12 09:20:14 UTC
This is a HUGE question to ask. When I think about it sometimes, I become overwhelmed. I mean, I am not in a political position make changes. I am not a world leader. I am not in the financial position to make any major monetary donations (being in Americorps). I am just one single person.

I think for people like me, the biggest thing I can do at this point in my life (being 20) is to educate my peers on the idea global community. It is so easy to read a paper or to avoid looking at a news report because something in the world that is geographically far from you doesn't seem to pertain. It is true that with the growth of technology, the world has become smaller. It is important to sell the idea of a global community to the upcoming generation (mine) about efforts that are being made. Asking us big questions - like eradicating poverty - will continue to be answered by the few and looked at oddly by the multitudes if you don't educate us as to what has happened, what it means to us now, and what it could mean in the future. There needs to be more schools of higher education like the one that Former President Clinton recently opened in Little Rock, AR that focus on public issues. Why, in 2006, is that considered ground breaking and innovative by so many? It should have happened decades ago!

I am going to leave the big policy changing questions up to the World Bank and my elected governing body. I will continue to vote and try to get elected into government people who I believe are more knowledgeable than me, but are like minded. I will peacefully protest, educate friends about world issues, and become better versed in the issues. When I am older, in a better financial position, and have more to offer... well, we'll figure it out when I get there. :) All I know is, I will be a global citizen.
2006-06-12 01:50:47 UTC
Eradicating Poverty

WEll we can eradicate poverty only when we are able 2 eradicate corruption as there are peole all over the world who are donating money 2 help poor people.unfortunately the money is going into the hands of middlemen who are happily pocketing it!!! also the fact that we dont know who is genuinely in need of money or thing 2 do is start small jobs by which these poor people not only get money but also create something which will be of use to them.for example keep thme as daily wage workers and get them 2 construct low cost homes etc wherin their own society will benefit.

Good luck.its very rare 2 come across this sort of a question and i hope u get so many answers which will help in eradication of poverty for good.
2006-06-11 13:30:57 UTC
Perhaps the United States, and indeed the United Nations, should reach into the food surpluses and distribute food to many of the poorer nations. Perhaps another thing we could do is to have a tax-free government donation to food banks across the world.

But this concept is all in vain, unless we can prevent greed from corrupting people's minds. Greed will insure that these nations will stay in a state of poverty. Racism is also a contributing factor in this plight. Many will not give, because of the fact that a person is a different color than them, and it is sad. Others will say that it is up to that country's government to help them, when in reality, some of these countries won't give two sh**s about a person. It is a sad thing, that a person won't care about others. But this is human existence. Greed and intolerence reign supreme and children will suffer because of it.

The ultimate solution: Teach people about the suffering of others and about how greed and intolernce are links to greater problems. This is perhaps the only way to end suffering and poverty.
X. k.
2006-06-11 12:00:58 UTC
Instead of making poor people rich we should care more about the four main things:

Food, Water, Education, And Shelter

If we give people these things, poor people will automatically become richer.

For food we should have plants that are genetically changed to grow in unkind situations like too much heat or too damp. If we do this people can grow plants everywhere around the world.

Another factor is water. Many times at dry places there is water deep below the earths surface (like geysers). Making a pipe and a pump that goes down this deep won't cost much and people will have water.

For education the United Nations should come up with a long term plan to open schools everywhere. It costs money to do this but this may be the cheapiest ways.

Shelter is another major issue. Without this many people can die and then money won't matter. To survive we don't need too much of a sophisticated house plan. People can start small and then as their worries go away they can have better houses. The goverment should let people use local material to build houses. In a deseart they can use sand and in the forest wood can be used.

by X. K.

*you may copy this material but please give me credit
2006-06-11 11:01:35 UTC
Revamp the American education system. American high schools should be some of the baddest institutions in the world. Create more competition for teaching jobs by raising salaries - I am of the impression that even the least intelligent of individuals can learn under the proper atmospheres. If the system was revamped in the manner I envision, Americans, members of the most powerful country in the world, would be better armed to combat poverty and worldly issues. We would also be more likely to contribute innovative ideas to the age of technology, which will eventually revolutionize the way we live. Perhaps then we will be able to live more efficiently, potentially eliminating poverty.
2006-06-12 19:35:11 UTC
Part of the problem is capitalism. Capitalism promotes and rewards a person for being greedy. What is the bottom line of business, to make as much money as possible. If our economic system were run solely as a non-profit, as a group we would be less inclined to - Enron, Arthur Anderson, Tyco, AIG, World Comm - become that next big executive and let greed be a deciding factor in our daily lives.

Why do executives make so much bloody money anyway? I guess its because they have so much bloody money, see the cycle?

Anyway, my idea comes from an idea that started with two men, Yvon Chouinard and Craig Mathews. They started a company called It asks for 1% of a companies profits to be used for environmental purposes. I think that is how business should be run.

A portion of the profits should be divided up into sections, those sections should be distributed EVENLY across the nation to those in need.

Non-profit is the way to go.

Call me a Marxist, socialist if you want, but there has to be a system that will more efficiently run our world. And the government that is in power now isn't helping matters!
2006-06-12 18:48:29 UTC
I think we need to start small. Each person doing a little.: recycling clothes, planting a small veggie garden, to share with someone else--I believe we should go back to the commodities--buying actual food from the farmers and processing it and have it available for disbursement during time of need world wide. Money goes just so far and is far more likely to not reach the people who need it. Hurricanes, earthquakes, flood, all need food now. The food stamp program is a farce

In third world countries, we need to re initiate sending a cow pregnant with a calf or a water buffalo or what ever animals can be used by the people. Seeds that will grow in their climate, clean sources of water. Our Army engineers are fantastic with wells, bridges and roads. Giving people a hand up instead of a hand out means restoring self respect. I agree that wealth compiling is not a healthy life style. How can anyone use billions of dollars.?

America has always been a generous country. Let us start to stamp out hunger, not by funding abortions and genocide, but by hands on helping indigenous people have what is needed for a better way of life.
2006-06-12 16:18:35 UTC
it's all up to the politicians, people have always tried to help but politicians always get in the way. The only person I believe is Bono from U2 that can single handidly change the world, and before him, it was Pope John Paul II.

but personally, I would have every college student to mandatory teach/study abroad at their last year in college. It took me 5 years to graduate and I think I was able to go out in the real world after 4 years. I'd rather help the world before going out in the real world. Spending a year and sharing my knowledge and experience of my first 4 years of college with someone in a third world country would become into a mutual satisfying outcome/relationship.

All third world country is not necessarily monetary needs but the education/experience for the local leaders to learn then let the local leaders teach the people. Only education/experience can be something that passed to someone else with the least amount of money and time.

I know there is the peace corps and the red cross but making it mandatory for young people can be an invaluable lesson. They are the young engineers, doctors, scientists, writers, educators, etc that have the energy which can change the world. They all want to help (look at the college students volunteering their spring break for Katrina). Now if every college student does this for one year, and reward them with a guarenteed job after they come back from the program would make the world a better place.
2006-06-12 13:30:40 UTC
First of all, republican thinking is ruining us. We need to shut down the borders to illegals and start giving our jobs to Americans and pay them better than 8 dollars an hour and give everyone legally living here health benefit options! I have been working full time and I never get any benefits!!! The foreigners come here multiplying and taking food and medical care from our Americans who were born here and work here and get nothing! America also needs to STOP funding these damn Christian-based groups who are helping other countries in poverty. OUR own U.S. has citzens here who need food, homes, work, medical attention and we don't put our own first enough. Birth controls should be dropped over these underpriviliged countries so that they STOP cranking out those starving HIV babies! But Christian fundraisers DON'T support birth controls!! The WRONG people are running the show and we are going in circles feeding bottomless pit while America goes into the toilet. The price of living goes UP UP UP but the PAY at jobs doesn't!! This needs to change. I don't think that it will as long as men like Bush are running things because they enjoy making the rich even richer and the poor even poorer. THAT is what's killing everything.
2006-06-12 08:34:55 UTC
Dr. Sachs,

It never ceases to amaze me just how ignorant people really are, especially the ones replying to your question. I doubt more than a few of them know who you are and the contributions you've made to the field of Economics. Its discouraging to read the many nonsensical replies, most often stream-of-conscious ideological rants. Let the results of this exercise stand as a prime example why politicians and pundits speak in superficial soundbites appealing to the lowest common denominator and playing on people's emotions.

I realize this is just your attempt to get people thinking about the issue and to spark debate and discussion, but it is still a waste of your valuable time (normally I'd say responding to your question would be a waste of my time too, but I'm home sick in bed and going stir crazy so...) I hope Harvard isn't paying you to read all this detritus (including my personal rant). Come to think of it some poor unfortunate grad student is no doubt going to read these for you... been there and done that. Then again if some of the people responding to your question had their way, you'd be earning as much as the janitor cleaning your office so maybe its not a waste of time afterall. LOL It seems those people missed the failed 70 year experiment called communism.

Creating a marketplace of ideas is always an interesting experiment, but we both know that for it to work, the people involved have to have some skin in the game and some knowledge of the subject. Otherwise you end up with what you have here. We used a more sophisticated model in the Pentagon trying to predict terrorist activity. It actually worked pretty well, but once the media got wind of it they cancelled the program.

Good luck in all your future endeavers. Oh yeah, if I come up with a solution to global poverty I will be sure to introduce myself to you at the Nobel ceremony. After that maybe we can team up to bring world peace.

Good luck
2006-06-12 02:38:35 UTC
I think a lot of people are looking at this problem the wrong way. They see people starving and think that the problem is a shortage of food. The solution is not to share the wealth, no matter how you try to share the money out, some people will still spend irresponsibly and end up poor. The way I see it is that there are too many people. I think that the solution to poverty and starvation is for the rest of the world to follow China's example with the one child policy, by decreasing the birth rate we could bring overpopulation under control within a few decades.
2006-06-12 02:24:39 UTC
I see a lot of shows on t.v about people starving and they ask for people to sponsor a family, usually a very large family, maybe they need condoms to reduce the number of people for a poor family to support. My husband and I have two children, that is all we know we can afford without causing too much of a struggle, I use birth control to insure no more children. I'm not saying poor people shouldn't have a family but no more than they can handle.

There is one thing I have often wondered. If the people are starving, sick, weak, ...... then where do they get the energy or drive to have sex? Are the women being raped? Do the men show any responsibility or concern?

We encourage our children in their education. We spend time with them. We are supportive, loving, build self esteem , and let them know they are important. They have a bright future and I will be sure they attend college and have a good career.

I think education should be more afford able for those that are sincere about higher learning. We should give our children a chance at a prosperous future, of course in the end it is up to them to put in the hard work.
2006-06-12 00:29:48 UTC
If everyone gave up their money to help the poor, that would just be communism. And that obviously doesn't work. We need to have less government involvement in these poverty-stricken countries and have volunteers show them how to run their country the right way. Also, efforts to build proper schools and fix any villages that need it would follow. Usually the countries with the most government involvement are the poorest. If that is solved, there wouldn't be AS big of a problem. In America, we need to cut government spending, stop wasting money on crooked politicians, and get some honest judges into office. That would be a start.......
2006-06-11 20:46:16 UTC
In today's society the rich keep getting healthier and living while the poor keep getting thinner and dying.I just don't get it.I know that a few who have made big money worked hard for it.I am talking about the the ones who are milking the laborers for every hour they work for a measly pay check and no health benifits.If I were able to I would demand all people who gross over 100 grand yearly be made to pay a poor tax.With this money you could help 10 family's get out of debt and back on their feet.With a good job and great health benefits these folks could easily get out of the vicious circle of near poverty or poverty lives.Just one person's opinion who has lived the poor life and survived it.Now I am low income to middle income depending which bills are due and if they are going to be paid late again.Good luck with finding a solution to world poverty.God bless us all.
2006-06-11 18:54:22 UTC
Allow the creation of wealth by promoting free enterprise, and taking some of that wealth and investing it in programs that get people out of poverty. At the same time, the cost world wide of duplicating the level of life for those people is six billion dollars daily, and that money needs to be created.

We are at a stage where we can create more wealth because now the mind is the one that creates it, so we may be able to end extreme poverty in this generation.
2006-06-11 18:40:38 UTC
One thing very few ever mention is the over population of this planer by us humans. There are twice as many people now than when I came into the world. If this continues it will be poverty for all. Money won't be able to buy what is not there. Religious leaders could help this a lot but most will not face the truth. Nature will be the one to solve this one and it will happen before much longer. A pandemic is on the way and is needed now.
2006-06-11 17:04:31 UTC
I grew up in a third world country. I noticed many of the suggestions were just different variations of "Let's take down the corporations!"

Almost all third world nations have the following problems:

1 - corrupt governments or religious leaders getting in the way of progress

2 - domestic conflicts (i.e. coups, tribal wars that lasts for generations, domestic terrorism)

3 - lack of jobs and education

4 - natural disasters distroying infrastructures every year

5 - over population

Getting rid of presidents or dictators only solves part of the problems. The people that work under the ousted leaders still holds power in their local governments. For example, there was coup, the dictator was sent to prison or kicked out of the country, there is new election and a new leader is chosen. The new leader cannot get the governors or other official to cooperate with him/her because they are still loyal to the ousted dictator. They are still loyal because under the dictatorship, these local leaders has absolute power in their district. With newly elected president's plan to get rid of corruption, these corrupt officials will no longer have absolute authority in their districts.

There many developing countries that already have fantastic educational system - mostly in the metropolis areas. The rural regions do not have the resources to provide proper education. The main problem however is always been not having enough jobs to go around.

I believe supporting local businesses and buying domestic products will help the economy. Thus, creating more job and higher pay.

I have relatives in third world countries. I help them out by helping pay for their children's tuition bills. I also donated a couple of microscopes at an agricultural high school. My parents have a scholarship fund at the schools they went to. My father is also planning to rebuild the school house in his home town.

The tuition costs me $1000 a year and the used microscopes about $50 total. The scholarship fund comes from the accumulated interest from a bank CD. The school house project will only cost about $5K a year for 3 years.

Most people spend more money on dining out, clothes and cars. With minimal effort, everybody can save the world.

I believe we can all make a difference with just 5 cents a day. Just donate $18.25 to Unicef, Doctors Without Borders or to any reputable nonprofit organization.
2006-06-11 15:08:13 UTC
A worldwide problem takes a worldwide effort. Many of the world's problems are created by the people in power. Often the people subject to that power are powerless. When the State of Israel was created they offered to help neighboring nations in the art of farming in an arid region. Those neighboring nations weren't interested in new and better farming techniques. The Israelis even envisioned going into Africa and offering farming techniques in those countries. Little was gained and a good idea is lost on all except the Israelis. The Israelis are the largest producer and exporter of fruits and vegetables in the Middle East.

Doling out millions and millions of dollars isn't the answer. US food in African nations sits and rots because the people won't eat genetically modified foods. The same genetically modified foods that Americans fatten themselves up on. The leaders in these countries perpetuate the state of ignorance that permeates these societies. Education can be the simple answer to this. But how does one overcome leaders with guns and no qualms about killing you no matter your intentions.

What each individual can do is continue to give to reputable relief agencies that feed the hungry. Ignorance feeds on itself. As long as countries are ruled by tyrants and the self serving, world hunger is going to be a problem.
2014-10-12 15:27:26 UTC
the NT is Acts chapter 4 & 5. Look at how the believers gave what they had to the congregation and held all things in common. No one these days is dropping dead for not doing that, so I would not blame a person for doubting if that ever happened - but that is the model for believers to follow from an economic perspective.

I agree to some extent we have to start at home, but frankly some places are blessed with abundant resources and some are virtual wastelands. Neither can everyone live in the good areas. So there has to be give & take - alot more giving from those places which have. People obviously should work to be productive wherever they are.
2006-06-14 11:31:59 UTC
Stop over paying for simple things such as Hollywood "actors", How come some make millions for appearing on screen. IRS/Governments could establish politics to take more taxes from it and that money could be maneged by someone neutral as the UN. What I'm trying to say is that (following my example) is that Tom Cruise doesn't' need hundreds of millions but other people do. I am not saying take from the rich to give to the poor BUT that may be an option. I don't know... maybe I'm just crazy.
Dawn Marie
2006-06-12 20:10:09 UTC
Movie stars, professional athletes and celebrities make an obscene amount of money, probably more than they ever need to live. Some celebrities make such a big deal about going to third world countries and helping them. Unfortunately, I think that's just for promotional purposes and I think if you really looked into what they gave to these countries, you would be surprised at how little they actually give. I believe that when a celebrity makes $1 million or more to make a movie, play a ball game or what have you, a surcharge should be deducted for the starving, poor and less fortunate in this world.
2006-06-12 13:23:29 UTC
First off, third world countries need to SLOW DOWN on baby-making. There are way too many people in these countries, and the distribution of wealth for every person will thin out.

Second of all, governments in poor countries are corrupt more often than not. The government needs to be STABLE, and have comprehensive laws in order to protect the rights of its citizens, especially the less fortunate.

All poor countries seem to have a rich elite ruling class who doesn't give two cents care of dirt poor people. They need to develop a stronger sense of SOCIAL RESPONSIBILTY. Those who are well off in the country has to be less self-serving. EMPATHY is necessary to help the poor. We still see extreme poverty in the world because we don't care anymore. "These people have nothing to do with me" attitude is why these people don't enough help.

If we REALLY want to help eradicate extreme poverty in the world, people in the first world countries should reconsider if they really need that big-*** Hummer, or that newest digital camera for christmas, or that HD Flatscreen TV.
Jourdyn B
2006-06-12 12:02:27 UTC
I don't think any single person can make this change. It's a nation/world wide effort that has to be made and the first step every single person would need to take is not to be so selfish. It's a sad world when celebrities get together to raise money to take movies/films to third world countries rather than food, supplies, education, medical care, plumbing, and other necessities. To make matters worse; the money that they raise isn't even near what one of them makes for an episode of their TV show or a movie they starred in. People place too much value into entertainment and this has been going on since the 20's. During the depression people spent what little extra money they had going to see films to "escape reality" and what was going on in the world around them. Awareness is the first step every single person needs to take if we have any desire whatsoever to resolve or at least improve world wide poverty. Rather than trying to turn your head from the problems that are our there and just "worry about ourselves" we have to open our eyes and and acknowledge the fact that there are bigger things than our self going on in our own backyard...
2006-06-12 11:49:04 UTC
This is a very simple answer, rich people needs to quit being selfish and start to give charity to poor people. Make your life as simple as possible, live simple, eat simple and wear simple. If you make extra give it to those who need it more then you. If we all follow this rule, the world would become economically balanced.

Unfortunately that will never be possible because if rich people starts to follow the philosophy of simple life style then the marketing world will loose a great deal of money, stocks for many big companies will crash and credit card companies will have to shut down cause no one will be broke.

I have always been a firm believer of the saying "more money we make the more our selfish desire increases."

It all comes down to the battle between good & bad. God wants us to live the simple life and give to the poor and make this world a better place but the devil makes us more greedy, selfish and power hungry. There is nothing new about this fact, it has been going on since the birth of mankind and will continue till the day of judgement. So let those who want to help be blessed by the Almighty for their deeds but in the end one can forget the whole idea of finding solution to poverty.
2006-06-11 22:38:25 UTC
There isn't any single answer. Solutions will vary by region and country. The whole process is encumbered by politics, social, economic and systemic problems. Like most large and complex problems the focus should be to create individual success. The resources spread to thinly will have no effect. Take a country like Nigeria. The Kuru Declaration is full of vision but it is to broad and lack specificity and detail to achieve any measurable effect. I'm not suggesting they should not articulate the vision but enough talk already. You know the old saying "give a man a fish and feed him for a day but teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime." The same type of simple yet action oriented approach will get results. Focus the efforts where real success can be achieved and then expand the process.
2006-06-11 16:14:11 UTC
Well I'm afraid ending extreme poverty is an unatainable goal.

But helping the situation to be better is not.

But as I'm sure you are already aware there is no one simple answer. The answer has to be multi-faceted.

Such as:

1, Work with our government to help cut down on the corruption of other governments across the world so help can actually get to those who need it.

2. Gain funding for organizations that can teach job skills to the people of poor nations. This also has to be balanced with not taking jobs away from our own nation.

3. Help poor nations build infrastructures that will allow them to be more self suficient.

4. Find needs that people can fill without exploiting the poorest of our world.
2006-06-11 14:01:13 UTC
Poverty is caused by the effect of supply and demand. What poor people sell is their unskilled labor, there are so many unskilled laborers, the supply of unskilled labor always excedes the demand, thus they get paid little for their labor. What is needed is a decrease in the number of poor people. This can be achieved by helping them select the sex of their children, i.e. abort the females. In the future there would be a much lower percentage of females,so fewer children r born, thus reducing the number of poor people, which reduces the supply of unskilled labor, making it worth more, so unskilled laborers get paid more. This solution may be unpopular but I bet u $1000 it has a better chance of working then any other answer u get. The more u think about this, the more u will agree with me. If u want to try someting that wont work, educate them, I graduated from college, I still have no job.
2006-06-11 11:48:29 UTC
Which generation would that be...the last generation is still trying to catch up with the Joan's...the latest generation is trying to get it for free, and the rest are in some degree of each...That is here in the states...Ask a Bolivian farmer if he is poor, or a Fisherman from Hong Kong..they don't have cars or TVs...if you want another three billion "Americans" give them computers and the Internet see how fast the Poverty stricken world falls for the need to own stuff...two dollars is allot if you don't need the next big thing...stop measuring people by standards you created!?!
2006-06-13 09:57:08 UTC

I think that the message that needs to be brought forwards is that everyone can make a difference. Many people see the poverty on t.v. ect and think , I don't have any money to help or that the rich people are the ones that do that kind of thing or the churchesor the government. I would like everyone to know that this is not true. Everyone can make a difference to help ease the suffering of others and educate people to take controll of their lives.

I work for Skywest Airlines in Bozeman, part time. I am not rich by American standards. I put together a trip for me and 3 of my co-workers to go to bring donations of school supplies, backpacks, clothing, and toys, to the Mother's Welfare Group in Nigeria. They help educate, feed, cloth, house and give ART medication and medical care to children affected by HIV/AIDS and the communities around them. We were beat down by many while we were gathering donations but we all pushed through and when we arrived and saw the faces of the children when they recieved their things we all were moved to tears.

We here in this blessed country take things for granted all to often and to see the sincere abundace of gratitude was overwhelming to say the least. What we brought was not much to our standards but was priceless to the people we gave to and that was overwhelming also.

What I am trying to say is that I am just like (every person) I am not special in any way I just put one foot in front of the other and tried to make a difference and We did. We are planning on going back with more in the future and starting a non profit to assist.

Don't tell yourself that what you are doing won't be enough so why do it, just helping one person to get through another week, month, year of school, healthy and feed is priceless to the person helped.
2014-10-04 15:35:18 UTC
elp - and don't need to be forced at gunpoint to do so! Banning wars is right, of course, but there's way too much profit involved for that to happen.

How about cutting the work hours in half in developed countries?

Most prosperous countries are full of driven workaholics who don't know how to relax or value any activity which doesn't make money. So their response is naturally to earn more and send the surplus to those in need. If people could take time out and travel to poorer countries and live and work there, their values might change for the better.
2006-06-12 18:16:31 UTC
I doesn't take ANY creative thinking. The solution is simple. Share the wealth. Stop polluting. Control our own fear.

Achieving it won't be simple. There is way too much talk (as evidenced by the response to the question) but how many people are actually willing to do anything about it?

We don't really need money to survive. We need clean soils, clean air and clean water. When we realize how little we actually need beyond that then we can let go of our fear of poverty, release ourselves from the grip of our own egos and just simply live. All of us.

And yes, we FEAR poverty and thats what drives us to horde things at a disgusting rate. Fear is indeed the only enemy.

Imagine what we could do if each one of us learned to tame our fears instead of letting the marketing machinery inflate them? Imagine what we could do. Imagine.
2006-06-12 14:16:28 UTC
There is no ultimate solution. No amount of creative thinking, no rulebook to follow, will eradicate poverty. You look at the wealth that you have, to whatever degree it may be, and you look at those that are "less fortunate" and you wonder what went wrong.

The United States and many modern day wealthy nations, have had their ups and their downs. The advance of critical thinkers within their own society and the admission of society and technology have advanced each nation at its own pace. The more open to change and rewriting old rules a nation is, the faster it will advance.

But you are still assuming that living on less than 2 dollars a day is a bad thing. Comparing their lifestyle to your own and tsk-tsking. It is their way of life. It is up to their government to step up and initiate a plan.

Our own governments need to tackle the issue of poverty in our own nations, before trying to eradicate it in others. Aid them to help them, but don't aid them in an effort to "save" them.
2006-06-12 13:35:32 UTC
It all starts at home. Just Love one another as your brother. And if you see a need, fill it. A lesson to be taught and learned and shared with others.

But truly, how can we alleviate it? For centuries this has been the way of life.

What would it take? One world government, or one world governing body? To divide up everything so we are all even? Would that be Utopia? Or communism?

Sadly it would never work. There is too much greed and hate in this world, when help is made there has always been the corrupt to control the disbursements.

Just look at our history. We are a warring people.
2006-06-12 11:25:46 UTC
Finding a solution to poverty on a world wide scale is a big problem. A stop to wars, forgiveness of debt, investment in agricultural implements to mass produce food, an investment in the medical infrastructure maybe.

I want to start with suggestions for north (and south) america. A capitalist society without the artificial bonuses such as provided by the US government to industries (like subsidies) and companies (like corporate tax breaks) and individuals (little capital gains tax, other IRS loopholes) would seem to be the answer. The concept that workers are employed making the products and services most in demand is a start. Initially, some salary caps and (unlike an earlier responder) an INCREASE in minimum wages to living wages could begin to level the playing field and truly stimulate the economy including the millions of small businesses to employ more people.

Once we try to level the economic playing field a little, let's not forget to address some of the root causes and some of the results of years of poverty. Educational opportunities are still not level for all people. Racism still plays a role in everything from business loans and executive positions to the inequity of land ownership and businesses passed down thru the generations. There is a saying that you get the behavior that you reward. So corporate greed, golden parachutes and the whole winner take all attitude is highly regarded in our culture; the role of stay at home moms, 2 parent homes with one wage earner, cooperative purchasing, entreneurship, charity towards others, ensuring "no child is left behind"; ensuring minimum standard housing and food for all - those things are among many behaviors or values that we don't reward. People who think prosperity is within their grasp think: It doesnt pay my mortgage, insurance or gas for my SUV. It doesnt put me in networking distance from the big money folks to expand my business. What exactly are those things doing for me???

This problem would take more thought and research than I am able to devote to it by myself. This problem takes synergy! These are only hypotheses that would need study and proofing. But I thank you for your question. It's only be ackowledging a problem that we can all talk about it and try to solve it. Thanks.
2006-06-12 11:00:01 UTC
Extreme Poverty is not a problem that can be fixed by "our generation." It takes more of an "our civilization" approach to lay down the first steps in order to "solve" extreme poverty.

I say "solve" with quotes because poverty is not a solvable issue unless you take radical actions like...eliminating money. (Star Trek fans would love that) Or resorting to the purest form of Communism which has never existed (in pure form) on Earth. Etc.

Converting America to Communism is an issue you should take up with your state representatives. (That's a joke)

These changes are far too radical for a population to conceivably enact in one generation. Likely, it will be solved a bit at a time, (musing here) perhaps with each new government formed, more will be accomplished towards that goal, but certainly "our generation," assuming 16 year olds are part of your generation, can only alleviate the symptoms, not cure the disease.
2006-06-12 09:43:18 UTC
Interesting question but difficult to answer, specially by those who are not economists: There must be more than one solution. Efficient and honest governments, to quote one answer above, is essential. In many poor countries, government or politicians`corruption is common currency. Education is another very important issue. People should learn "to fish and not to expect the fish from others". Charity is very helpful, but some people do get spoilt, and their children have little hopes too. The more educated an individual is, the more chances he or she has to think for herself and not be one more in the "flock" The chances to get better paid jobs are higher.

Also, it is a scandal, a real shame how very few get so extremely rich, while others have to toil for very little. There should be a limit to extreme richness. Just as an example, the millions and millions of dollars certain actors or actresses make for just one movie is something totally unfair for the millions of people, perhaps more educated and who contribute more to mankind.

Ideas are plentiful. How to put them into practice successfully is not always easy.
2006-06-12 06:07:12 UTC
I disagree with some of the opinions here, because I don't think "The rich donating to the poor" will be a permanent solution to the problem, but a minor patch to the immense wound that poverty is.

And besides, poverty is a global issue, so please stop focusing solutions on "We Americans should improve this and that in our country" and start thinking outside the box, because the poverty definitions you use in your country doesn’t' even come close to the real poverty that people who lives in a ONE-dollar-a-day-budget suffers.

I think there are no immediate solutions, but long-term solutions that could be viable are:

1. - Educate people, because educated people takes better decisions in life. Whether is regarding career choices, family choices or voting choices. Educated people contribute more to their country, and country growth means better quality of life for everybody.

2. - Create work sources, because there is no use for educated or trained people if there are no available jobs.

3. - I do believe in rewards for your efforts, but God forgive me, I can't and I will never accept that meanwhile there are doctors in many countries working double shifts for $120 a month (and their paydays being delayed sometimes for 3 months), there are basketball players earning gazillion dollars a year just for being tall.

Give the people the opportunity to earn their own way, educate them and give them job spaces, they will take pride on their work and they will improve over time on their own, without the necessity of relying on donations or charity forever.

Give me a fish, and I won't be hungry today. Teach me how to fish and I won't be hungry ever again.
2006-06-12 01:34:35 UTC
- population of the developed countries (as a whole) has no idea what poverty actually is. expecting them to solve poverty issues in other countries is not realistics.

- the UN and commissions setup by developed countries are giving help, but at the current rate they are doing right now, I dont think they will be able to create a meaningful change.

- institutions, agency, orgnizations, foundations, governments are individually addressing poverty issues, no coordination, which I would expect from the UN.

conceptually, the UN will be the most proper body to eliminate poverty. but UN is nothing but slow and inefficient organization, which serve only as a symbol.

if only UN can perform slightly better than what they are doing right now to fight poverty, I believe with the HUGE resources that UN has, they will be able to create something meaningful for the poor.

fighting poverty which affect half of the world, requires worldwide resources. without enough resources, it will be like pouring water into the desert.
2006-06-12 00:20:51 UTC
I believe the first step is ending farming subsidies.

The second step is creating metropolitian economic zones in various countries around the world (think of every country having its own Hong Kong/Tokyo and New York). For instance Canada could set up one in Haiti and one in Cuba for $500 billion over 10 years. The U.S. could set them up in Latin America for a total of $5 trillion over 30 years. Japan and Australia could help out the Phillipines and Indochina for $1 trillion over the next 10 years. Europe could spend $5 trillion over Eastern Europe and Northern Asia for the next 30 years. That would leave Southern Asia and Africa which would have their chance 30-60 years from now with a much stronger world economy.

So what would an economic zone look like. Well the top two things hurting these countries is corruption and the lack of education. That means their needs to be a large police force, judges, lawyers, prisons, court houses, sewage systems, electricity, modern roads and bridges, colleges, universities, hospitals (for the mentally ill and the physically ill), and of course all the people to support all of this. Right there a lot of jobs have to be filled. If there were 100 poor countries and each zone held 10 million people, that would be 1 billion people helped right there. With India and China growing economically, they could probably give another 1.5 billion people decent jobs in the next 60 years. With a falling birth rate (the reward for sucess), the eventual mega disaster or war and just standard deaths and lock up of prisoners and mental patients, the remaining 500 million could be absorbed into the world economy if they wanted to (maybe not a "rich" African sheep herder or the standard hippie).
Abel M
2006-06-11 18:41:45 UTC
It's simple. Look at who's solving our economic problems here at home, it is the Democrats. Elect Democrats, they have proven that they can not only reduce poverty in America, but they can reduce poverty in the world. America's economy always does better under Democratic administrations. Republicans like to cater only to the rich, and in the process, they wreck the economy for everyone else. An economy, just like a house, should be built from the bottom up, not from the top down. That is, we should start by concentrating our efforts on helping the poor first. But Republicans like to start from the top and work their way down, they help the rich first, but the rich are the last people who need any help. Bush's infamous tax cuts, most of which went to the richest 1%, is a perfect example of how Republicans only care about the rich. This is what happens when Republicans come to power. The rest of us are screwed, including the rest of the world, whenever Republicans come to power. Republicans like to build a house from the roof first and then downwards, which is NOT the way to build a house. A house should be built from the ground up. Get it?

President Clinton sent billions of dollars to Mexico, in loans, money which Mexico eventually ended up paying back to us, plus the interest. So we made money out of the deal, and Mexico made money out of the deal. Incidentally, the Republicans opposed Clinton when he did this.

The best example is Harry Truman's Marshall Plan, which rebuilt Europe after the 2nd World War. Europe's growing economies have led to our own economy growing, as we trade with them. By helping other countries, we are helping ourselves too.

By the way, if you look at the problem of terrorism, it is most severe in poor countries, that is, the breeding grounds for terrorism are in the poorest countries of the world. Think about it, this is where terrorism flourishes the most, it is in these countries, Afghanistan, Palestine, Somalia, e.t.c., and these are undoubtedly the poorest countries in the world. So think about it.
2015-09-20 07:56:32 UTC
Thus, education is another important factor, both academic and financial. The more provisions that governments and charity makes towards education the more it'd help to improve both the social and economics conditions in a positive, continuous cycle. I say financial education because if people are quick to invest or, in the least, put money in a bank, the more money that will be available to the economy for growth, again furthering the cycle I mention before.
Fantasy Girl
2006-06-12 12:25:33 UTC
I dont think you can end it unfortunately. Even if the world was one well working economy, it would still be hard. The world economy to me is a pyramid type scheme. There is no way for the ones on the bottom to benefit. You could try socialism but then you would not have the means to take care of all, so that does not work either. I think that Jesus said it best, "The poor you will have with you always."

I think the we cant save the entire world but we can save our world. Maybe by saving just our part, the whole will become a little better.
2006-06-12 07:21:59 UTC
Each and every person who has read this question knows the answer. It's not as difficult as it may seem. We have WAY to many sources of raising money for these issues. Here's a tough one....Create a day for it. "World Feast Day." Have a telethon. Plaster it all over the Internet, radio stations, TV commercials, get the U.N. involved. This could be a simple global movement. Show people you're not being greedy, and display where all the percentages of the money is going. "Be Honest" for once in our global lives. Truly help people get out of this ridiculous unnecessary rut. Simply because there IS enough. Radiate the love & light that each and everyone of us are.
2006-06-11 21:45:56 UTC
You are a disgrace to intelligent people everywhere. You cannot end poverty. You need to grow up and join the real world. It's dog eat dog, make it or lose it. Time to leave the ivory tower bud, ending poverty in the world will be just as successful as trying to stop the sun from rising everyday.

You need a real job, try applying to McDonald's, they're hiring.

In fact, if you ever did work at McDonald's , you'd probably see why some people will always stay poor!
2006-06-11 21:14:38 UTC
I don't believe that the solution comes from legislating charity. Monies that are taxed flow through wasteful programs before they finally get to the people in need. I contribute regularly to groups that have found ways around the red tape and waste of governmental agencies. They include Doctors Without Borders, Nature Conservancy, The Heifer Project, Habitat for Humanity, Mercy Corp and others that help care forpeople in the greatest need.

I also believe that compassion comes from working in the trenches and I would support spending more of the American tax dollar send young adults into areas of need for a year and forgiving a portion of student loans for that service, or providing college financial aid after the year of service.

If people act with care and compassion to those who are in need, they will be less likely to drop bombs on those people in an act of war.

Check out 365 ways to change the world website.
2006-06-11 20:34:01 UTC
Well as far as war-torn areas, such as Africa go, I don't think the militias will let up voluntarily. The UN will have to go in by force, even if it means setting up a UN-sponsored government. As far as the world goes, well, the solution is probably lengthy enough to write an entire novel on...Wealthy individuals will have to be forced, somehow, to contribute to families of less fortune, rather than put tax-deductable money into a research foundation of some sort. Those have their purpose, but they don't always help feed a child. As well, welfare should go to people who have crashed, not to people who have done things deliberately for the sole purpose of collecting welfare, and until we can "officially" determine between the two, the system is off balance.
Mr. Guy
2006-06-11 16:31:11 UTC
One could try to change world economies, or at least work in a way which nutures some of these ideas. Capitalistic societies would need to become more like socialist ones. There could be caps on what a person or organization could make in terms of profits. The excess funds would be put into social programs like health care, food subsidies, care of the sick and elderly etc. This would be the solution to poverty nearby, and also abroad in other countries, since there would be less need for cheap labor and economic exploitation of other societies in order to keep costs down to make increased profits for personal gain.
2006-06-11 12:25:26 UTC
I have a system that I will suggest.

Any person who saves more than the worth of 40 grams of gold in one whole year pays 2.5% of his money "savings". If each person does this, including rich people, the poverty problem will be put to an end.

It is a small fraction of each persons fortune which we give to the needy people such as poor, orphans, etc.

Lets say, for example, that there is a person who could save $10000 for one whole year. Using this system he will pay only $250 a year and forget any other charity after this. If we say that 1000000 individuals did that we will have 250*1000000=$250000000. Which I think will make some difference.

This is called "Alzakah". It is the third pillar of Islam's main five pillars.
2014-09-24 07:17:29 UTC
Poverty begins at home. Solutions begin at home. Until our government realizes this, poverty will continue until our death. Than the next generation will still have the same problem. Soilent Green was a movie to eradicate people, this might be the only solution... unless an Atomic bomb is directed and crashes into our earth, then no one will have to worry about poverty.
2006-06-12 17:19:35 UTC
I can`t say I've got many innovative ideas, but all I can say is something simple and logical: education, and somebody smart enough to realize that investing millions of dollars in killing people is not a way out to the poverty cycle. All the whole world needs is selfishness to end. Everybody only cares about their own lives, earning money; and, if, maybe, a man is dying of starvation, and you have a million dollars, your budget wouldn't allow buying him a hamburger. And, to say something even clearer, the main issue lies when this kind of people get control of a nation.

2006-06-12 13:15:43 UTC
I think before the united states deals with world poverty we should deal with poverty in the US first. We are supposed to be such a well organized country and blah blah blah but the truth is we don't even take care of our own people. How many people on the streets are our vetarans? And we still turn our head and walk by when these are the people that fought for our country.
2006-06-12 12:44:50 UTC
1st of all. Charity begins at home. How can we worry about people in other nations when we have people living on the street in our own nation. Would you feed someone else's and let your's starve? I agree poverty is a huge issue, but part of the problem is also the disparity in income in THOSE nations with the poverty problem. Example: Chinese farmers cannot sell their land and move to the city. Most poverty striken nations also have issues ith their governing officials. It amazes me when the president of a country is living in a palace but his people are malnurished. You have to attack the governments and Educate the people.

Jesus said something to the effect "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and He will eat for life"

I agree

Schools like Texas A&M with stellar Agricultural programs are actually taking the intiative by working with various countries to facilitate improvement in their Agricultural systems.

Check out the link below:

yavan: Christians do the same. we Tithe. That is we give 10% of our gross earnings (before tax and all) to our church and part of that is to be used for the poor
2006-06-12 09:34:31 UTC
I was just thinking maybe developed countries could sponsor a 3 world nation. however it wouldn't really work as countries give millions in aid. A great accomplishment would be to build a whole town, with recycled products. I saw the dutch using shipping containers to build houses. The whole canceling 3rd world debt is not going to work as we are at a stage were we are to capitalistic for that, and it wouldn't solve the larger problem.

The problem is that for poor nations there are several problems to solve, war, lack of water, food, shelter,disease ,jobs. For me these are in order of priority of what has to be fixed to first. But i unfortunately too, have no solution that would fix this global epidemic.

On the other hand with the engineering capabilities of the developed world, food, water and housing should be able to be accessible to all. But with no extreme poor then the extremely rich wouldn't survive.
2006-06-12 09:06:12 UTC
My first Idea will be that must control population all countries, like in India where I live they make kids every year and live, this always make shortage on finance and needs, thus it creates poverty..

1. All people must be educated for child birth.

2. All must know the difficulties of poverty

3. People must come forward to take oprphans who r below poverty as their child

4. All must b educated to know how the proverty influences economy and life of people...

Government is the only power to do it...

If all have come to know whats poverty then there will not be any mal distribution of whealth..... U know what i mean education is th eonly way according to my calculation
2006-06-12 08:57:40 UTC
Well, no economy can really move forward with 20%-35% of your population suffering from AIDS... throw in Maleria (sp?) and most of Africa will struggle... so, addressing those health issues is critical.

There are some really good things happening on a small scale, like the work of KickStart, formerly ApproTech. It's the most basic lesson of history... you cannot emerge from poverty as a subsistance farmer... it is when you create a surplus that you can sell something and improve your life.

So... health and micro-enterprise.... dealing with many of the governments in impovrished areas is a problem because of the graft, so that might actually be part of what needs to be addressed.
2006-06-12 06:38:51 UTC
Many people have a high intelligence coeficient (to resolve problems); but, the most of these people are occuped in specific works; how many of them have the time?... well, maybe you will say: always you have a time, yeah! we can do something; but it´s not enough if we don´t attack the main problem. The people need time to think to be creative and even, to desire, because the creativity help us to desire. How do we do this? Well, The main goal shoud be (to do the other goals) to reduce the working hours. Right now, the parents haven´t the time to talk with their childs, the people haven´t the time to love, haven´t the time to create liderships (collective and individual liderships). We can find a little time (that would be adapt us to the situation, to the status), I think the solution is not to adapt us to the system, is to change the legal system, and, obviously, our thoughts too. We don´t need only a little time, we need more. Many people have the desire, but are hungry, or don´t have a work, and we think, we need more employments, we need more food. If we would have more time, we would have more time to be creative, to do science, to help, to know the problems. Many people are not interested because don´t know the problems. Maybe, many people have or will have the time and won´t do anything, but I am sure other people will do.

Excuse me, for my bad English, I am from Venezuela, I speak a little English.
2006-06-11 23:14:36 UTC
Education is the only solution available to the problems of the world.If one starts realising what ge is expected to do and what he can do the problrm is solved.Education makes a person think and realise.Hence the problem of poverty can be eradicated by giving education to the rural masses.It is not the solution which gives the result immediately but in future it will be the key for all successes....
keri gee
2006-06-11 15:54:44 UTC
If the "wealthy" of the world, and by "wealth" I mean the majority of Americans, would commit to live more simply and commit to use less of the world's resources much could be done to help the "other half."

I believe investment in education and working to create projects that eliminate the causes of poverty are a step in the right direction.
Not Allie
2006-06-11 13:04:37 UTC
I know that this will sound cruel to some people, but think about it: how many stray cats and dogs are put to sleep every year in this country? Millions, right? And how many cultures around the world consider cats and dogs to be okay to eat?

I think that if we were to send (healthy) strays that were going to be put down anyways to starving countries, we could solve a few problems at once: starving people would have a source of meat, and we wouldn't have the pet overpopulation problem. It might be hard to organize, but it would help a lot of people too.

It's not exactly an answer to poverty, but it would help a lot of people who either can't afford food or don't have any available.
2014-06-25 17:49:28 UTC
By definition, hoarding is accumulating a private cache. How many billionaires do you think keep their wealth stuffed in matresses and vaults like Scrooge McDuck, only to swim through and show-off to guests? I'd speculate very few. Why would they when there are plenty of investment derivatives out there that offer a much greater return than that of the local currency, which you'd be accepting by stashing away your riches. Interestingly, billionaires are behind a great deal of venture capital which fuels future innovation and reinforces our great class of entrepreneurs; as well as philanthropic efforts that are conveniently forgotten to make a point.
2014-10-03 12:52:59 UTC
That will not happen soon enough to save too many people. What in the hell do all the millionaires do with their money? Including the president of the United States? They all have money they could support a poor country on and never miss it. Get the point? There will always be poverty. You can talk about it forever and you are not going to change it.
ed berg
2006-06-14 22:51:39 UTC
I believe that to solve a problem like poverty, we first have to acknowledge the reasons why it exists. The reasons are many and varied. One that I can think of right now is graft and corruption in many national governments. Because of graft and corruption, many people are robbed of their opportunities to go to school, to gain better employment, and to live decent lives. Like in the Philippines, I heard that because of graft and corruption in the country's education department, there is a great lack of teachers and classrooms. Due to this, schools with big populations are forced to do 3 shifts of students a day, with some classes comprised of 80 to 90 students each! Imagine that, first grade students trying to learn the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic, in classes that could be as early as 5:30am or as late as 7pm at night. And in cramped, jam-packed classrooms that flood when it rains, or become saunas when it doesn't! Needless to say, the quality of education would be very much compromised. Without the necessary basics of education, how can we expect these kids to live lives other than that of extreme poverty?
Rev Debi Brady
2006-06-12 18:42:23 UTC
We first need to convince governments around the world to work TOGETHER, instead of at-odds with each other...hmmm...what an interesting and novel concept! There is ENOUGH of everything to go around. However, few of the "haves" would give up the excess of their 'share' that they consume (and/or throw away) in favor of providing more than a subsistence-level existence for the extreme low-end of the world's population.

It starts with this dialog. It is perpetuated with the intention of all who read these words...and others like do something, anything, a little or a lot, individually AND to vote for people who also see this possible vision of what the world COULD be like.

Blessings and thanks for the great question!

Rev Debi Brady
2006-06-12 15:56:10 UTC
we can write books on this topic but a birds eye view of the solution reaveals two angles.

1.those who want to provide the solution :all the people falling into this category must look at

a.identifying the success methodolgy

b.sincerely strive to move the mission one step ahead by their intervention.

c.create awareness and dessiminate the successpath guidelines.

d.conceptualize &contribute to the budget requirement.

2.those who seek the solution.

a.must support the represnatives of the group 1 and co ordinate with their plan.

b.bring in and win the confidence of the lesser understood lot of their group in working out solution.

c.make sure of the process progress and bring out the anamolies.(if any)

there should be ovewrall policing body that can act timely nuetral and effective way so as to meet the contingencies successfully.

this i think is vital in find the solution
2006-06-12 12:54:21 UTC
Why do you think that is even possible?

In our life time, or anybody elses?

Look, we are animals. Hard to say it, but we are. People are scaling up the side of a FREAKING EXPLODING VOLCANO because they do not want to lose their livestock or fields.


Heah, I hear what you are asking, and I do not have an answer.

You cannot eradicate poverty without limiting population, and you cannot do that without acting like God. Sort of sucks, doesn't it?

What in hell made you think there was an answer to this one?

It cannot freaking be done. Live with it. Do what you can to help, I do. But you and I, and everybody else on this planet are not going to fix this question.

And I am very, very sorry to have to say that.

2006-06-12 08:58:46 UTC
There are definitely ways to end the extreme poverty in the world. However, I am almost certain these methods will not be implemented, as the people who can take these steps are the very people who cause the problem to begin with. The core cause of poverty is that people in power enforce laws and business practices that draw an inordinate amount of wealth away from the mojority that are effectively powerless. Basic Economics states that the money supply is finite--so as a few people get wealthy some must get poor.

In itself that is not necessarily a bad thing except that as a few people get wealthy (fairly or otherwise) there is an unfortunate side-effect, which causes an increase in the rate of money drawn from the finite money pool to these individuals faster and faster over time. So those who are in the poor group get poorer. This eventually leads to the severe disparity condition that we all know as poverty.

A simplified analogy of this money "sucking" from one group to the next exists in a bank's saving accounts with say a starting 5% interest rate. The bank's savings account policy represents the world's financial system at the moment and as it has been in the past. Saving account holder Guy A represents a typical rich guy while Guy B is a typical "normal" guy account holder.

Guy A with $1million dollars will earn $50k in interest the first year while Guy B with $5000 will only earn $250. With compounding, the millionnaire will earn even more and more in the subsequent years. The rate at which his money grows will far and away exceed that of Joe Schmo and will actually increase geometrically over time. Mathematically, theoretically and taking the finite supply of money reality into account, this will eventually lead to Guy A having 99.9% of money while Guy B ends up with 0.01% of the bank's asset pool.

That's not all folks, the disparity will be worsened because the bank (e.g., the world financial system) may decide to reduce Guy B's interest rate to save money and at the same time increase Guy A's rate in order to keep him from taking his dough to another bank. Why do this? Because the bank wants to stay in business, too and realizes that it can only stay in business because of account holders like Guy A and their deposited money. The bank may also lay off its employees (which are people like Guy B) so that it may continue to run operations and convince Guy A to stay.

As you can see, it is a downward spiral for Guy B people and a limitless bottomless barrel of money for Guy A. BTW, in my simplified analogy, the bank is run by a couple of Guy A's and the bank's employees are all Guy B's.

Power-begets-Money-Power-begets-Money-Power-begets-Money-Power-begets-Money-that's the cycle all about.
2006-06-12 07:33:05 UTC
End poverty - eat the poor (just kidding). Improving education across the world is one place to start. As far as the United States (lets begin at home, folks), ending welfare, which just encourages people to remain unemployed, is the first step. Closing the borders is the next. If we do these two things, the people who were on welfare will be forced to go out and get jobs, many of which will become newly available to Americans, since there will be no more immigrants to take the jobs. The minimum wage should be raised, and everything should become income-based. The cost of a car, a house or apartment, etc. should be estimated on an individual basis depending on how much each person makes. In my perfect world, people would also have to have a license or permit (have to meet certain intellectual and financial standards) to have children. That may seem harsh, but just look at all the poor people out there (on welfare) who keep popping out kid after kid and then expect the rest of us to pick up the tab for raising the kids. It's not fair that my taxes should go to pay for someone else's children to receive medical care, food, etc. because their parents can't seem to get a job or use a condom. If you can't afford to pay for your children, then they should be taken away and that's it. It's not that difficult of a concept. People who have a below-average IQ or are chronic criminal offenders (be it drugs, theft, etc.) should be sterilized as well. Let's face it: stupidity begets stupidity time and time again. The death penalty should also be reinstated in all states. Why should we pay to house criminals who, when released, will just end up reoffending or end up on welfare? Kill them, it will erase a huge poverty-stricken demografic (and a population of completely useless people) as well as free up billions of dollars of our taxes that we can use in much more efficient ways.
2006-06-12 00:23:26 UTC
Strict measures for the control of foreign aid need to be put into place. It's been said that the quickest way to get money into a Swiss Bank account is to give it as aid to a corrupt third world country. If all the money stolen by African leaders was returned Africa's debt burden would be halved - see the Blair report on Africa. Yaser Arafat's estate was worth over $360 million of money he was holding in trust for the Palestinians.

Measures that could be put in place to help poor people in corrupt countries could include:

All bank accounts and assets of country leaders and their families should be made public, so the people can see what their leaders are doing. All their banking transactions should be made public.

All foreign aid should be distributed by non-government agencies.

The UN should provide troops to protect and support food aid measures.

Each country should be assessed by an independent panel against the UN declaration on Human Rights. Countries that fail should not be allowed to vote in the general assembly and the country leaders should not be allowed to travel outside their country.

Like Europe has adapted one currency, commercial laws should be standardized around the world to make it easier for businesses to be started.

A free press should be mandatory.

Opposition parties should have equal access to state media
Black Sabbath
2006-06-11 20:38:04 UTC
Firstly, you must stop the funnling of foreign aid directly into the pockets of warlords and corrupt leaders, most of the third world nations are ruled by corrupt men who stay in power by force, and foreign aid in the form of money or food goes directly to augment their hold over the people. The way to do this would be for the U.N. or other government to take action against the leaders (possibly military, possibly sanctions). However, the U.N. will likely continue to ignore the problem and withdraw peacekeepers any time a situation becomes violent (Rwanda, Central African Wars, ect.)
professor x
2006-06-11 20:22:29 UTC
It's very ironic that we measure poverty in terms of dollars. Why? Come to think of it, a dollar is just a piece of metal that does not actually satiate hunger and thirst, does not clothe the naked, does not heal the sick nor comfort the afflicted.

This is because we are living in a world that's over-politicized. We have countries like Africa and other "third-world" nations that are so rich in natural resources they should be able to sustain themselves. But no, the opposite is what's happening. This is because of politics--the same politics that categorizes people as "rich" and "poor."

My suggestion is leave these people alone. Minimize the politics that are imposed on people. Instead, empower them to fully utilize their potentials and that of their environment. Agriculture is what actually feeds the world.
2006-06-11 20:10:02 UTC
There are three things we can do.

The first is for the United Nations to forgive all debt. Like a year of Jubilee for Third World Countries. That will enable debtor nations to start with a clean slate and reorganize it's money.

The second thing we need to do is to encourage and help Third World countries develop infrastructure and economic systems. I mean water, sewer and road production. I mean health care infrastructure and education infrastructure. Even political and economic infrastructure.

The third thing we need to do is redistribute the wealth and re evaluate our own excessive and hedonistic lifestyles and to not pander to the hedonisms which are culturally insensitive to most of all the other people in the world.
2006-06-11 15:06:54 UTC
I believe that education is the key. People have to show other people that learning and growing in all phases of life are fundamental necessities. We need people to go out into the world and show people skills and educate them to use them whether they be professional skills or trade skills. But the primary lesson should be a hearty work ethic which would guarantee the success of the individual. A fair wage must also be established with this work ethic. This will ensure that the trained person would not have to worry about living in hovels which exist in so many places around the world today. We should teach these people not to accept their lot in life but to strive for their dreams.
2006-06-11 12:24:47 UTC
Two words

Fair Trade

The reason being that if one half of the world is poor, the other half must be pretty rich. People enjoy being rich and are often only concerned with getting richer.

In order to get the richer half to provide for the poor half, an incentive needs to be provided. Trade is something that excites everyone. There are many materials and even services that can be traded fairly, as right now the most trade is not fair at all.

So yes, its Fair Trade.
2006-06-12 18:22:14 UTC
I know this is going to sound harsh to a lot of people, but I think we should work to get rid of poverty in our own nation rather then in other countries. If the other countries need help, we should reach some sort of agreement with them. (The oil-for-food campaigne is a good example of this.) While it is nice to be helping others, we should be focused on reducing it on our own soil.

Also, you people seem to think that if we set up a government and give a third-world country millions of dollars worth of supplies all their problems will end. Chances are, if the country is failing now, it will continue to fail. We can't keep dumping money into countries that will completely fail if we don't support them. They are basically just freeloading and are going to continue to sponge up aid.
2006-06-12 05:57:49 UTC
You're point is. As you obviously know, trying to eradicate world poverty would take years and billions of dollars. Who would supply all this money? The US? The world is obviously way too big to try and curve world poverty.
2006-06-12 05:40:46 UTC
Build infrastructure. Many nations are in extreme poverty simply because of the difficulty of transportation and trade. They're in this boat in the first place because we/they demanded they participate in a Western style economy instead of allowing them to continue traditional practices which made the most efficient use of their resources.

As long as they want to emulate the rest of the world, they'll need a reliable infrastructure. Transportation, electricity, safe water. Then perhaps innovation in wireless or satellite telecommunications will make distance less of an obstacle.

We can only hope that a stable infrastructure and growing economy will help stabilize government. That is another issue completely and not one I think we should interfere in. The citizens in each country have to build their own government in order to have faith in it.
2006-06-11 21:24:58 UTC
First, I would like to thank the asker for this good and important question.

I think this Noble aim could be achieved if:

1- Agreement among USA, Russia and the other countries, like Japan- UK-France- South Korea-China, to reduce their annual budgets for armament by about 15 % annually. These funds could be invested in this poor countries under an international supervision.

2- The developed countries should supply the poor countries ,with free of charges , experts in field of agriculture, industry and economic planning, for a definitee period.

3- Open the markets of the developed countries for the products of the poor countries with minimum customs, for a definit period.

4- The OPEC countries should supply crude oil to the poor countries with reasonable prices.

Why the developed countries should do the above ?

Achieving economic growth in the poor couturiers will help in stopping the illegal immigration to the developed countries, which will lead by turn to decrease the rate of crime in the developed countries.

Achieving economic growth in poor countries will help in stopping terrorism all over the world.
2006-06-11 15:27:35 UTC
Dr. Sachs, forgive me if this sounds naive and simple, but I think the best way to solve most of the worlds problems is to work on people getting along and respecting and caring for each other. If the homeless man on the street was your friend then you would feed and shelter him or at least help. If your friends or neighbors are hungry and you can you would share your food. Once we learn to respect and care for each other then we can solve all the other problems. I try to commit a random act of kindness everyday, and when people want to reward me I tell them do something nice for someone else and tell them the same thing. Sometimes the world looks bleak, then other times it seems like there is hope.
2006-06-10 13:23:15 UTC
I'm not sure we ever really can. Education, I believe can be a key to helping but then does everyone want to be educated? Then there is the issue of the poor having an inordinate amt of mental & physical disorders that go untreated. So between the 2 there may be a cure for poverty but then where are you going to get the money to finance all this?
Gravitar or not...
2006-06-12 16:07:17 UTC
The world community must assume the responsibility of raising children if the parents are unable, not there etc.

Every person must be trained at least one skill that will always provide a means to be useful to society, that isn't self degrading, or disrespected at large.

As broad, and comprehensive, an education program as possible will aid the uneven distribution of intellectual wealth.

20% profit sharing, divided amongst the individuals of the organization, as the principle base pay level, will ensure reasonable distribution of wealth. Only appropriately balanced companies, services, and products should survive.

Most of all, we must see the highest potential value in persons, and pursue only that enrichment of social beneficence, and not dwell on the things lacking; which by our very neglect of the former, is allowed to persist.
2006-06-12 03:02:17 UTC
First we must define poverty in global perspective. A poor of usa might be not the poorest of africa or asia.

So I feel that if a person has enough food calorie wise, medical care in case of emergency or sickness, clothes to take care of vagaries of nature, a place for children to play and educate, then he is not poor. Beyond this he has to work and earn.

Second , UN should make this as a mandatory right to all human beings on the planet earth. To enforce that, it has to become strong financially and militarily. Why militarily, because many govt.s want their population to remain weak and poor to act as fodder to their sinister schemes. So UN needs to force militarily the universal charter.

Lastly the borders of the world have to vanish. The moment you know that if you donot make policies with world orientation but only for your population, then the people from other world are going to flock you. So you would make all policies as if the whole world is yours. The story is the same in developing nations as to why the population is migrating to cities from the countryside. If they have the resources in their areas, then not many people would like to change their birthplace.
2006-06-11 21:36:55 UTC
You have to look at why a population is in poverty, it differs from country to country. Some are war ravaged, others have people in power that don't care about the people they govern, there are famines due to crop failures, etc.

Once you figure out what each problem is, you have to then attack the poverty from that perspective. Example; if you are dealing with a war torn country, the first things you will want to do is send in emergency help to get people on their feet. I am speaking of housing, clean water, food and counseling. They are most likely dealing with post traumatic stress and need to get help for that to properly function. The countries infrastructure must be repaired and then begin to supply jobs for those who can work and school for children.

The next thing is, we live in a world of haves and have nots. We need to begin to place pressure on the haves to do more, give a certain percentage based on their total income and worth. This money would be used to fund programs to educate, house, train and provide jobs for the poor. There is a percentage of persons that cannot work due to illness, mental and physical, and those will need proper care.

A summit for governments to be more aware of these issues and deal with them collectively, would be wise, since we are living in a "global community" now and what affects one affects all of us.

Education about birth control is essential, by limiting the birth rates in poverty striken countries, you eliminate more little mouths to feed which adds to the problem.

You cannot make someone have a heart and care about others, but possibly making people aware of the issue and how they can help would make more people want to find answers.
2006-06-11 14:42:00 UTC
Well, I think that first of all, we should get rid of most politicians. Their greed is boundless! Then, we should also stop spending lots and lots of money on wars. Wars just make the poor poorer, and everyone else poorer as well.

I think that if we could solve those two issues, there'd be way less poverty in the world. The money that SHOULD be used to help the poor would serve that purpose, and the money that's wasted on wars and training soldiers could also be used to serve a more intelligent and unselfish aim.

Ok, you never said my answer had to be original or fun. ;)
2014-09-22 20:21:11 UTC
Shelter is another major issue. Without this many people can die and then money won't matter. To survive we don't need too much of a sophisticated house plan. People can start small and then as their worries go away they can have better houses. The goverment should let people use local material to build houses. In a deseart they can use sand and in the forest wood can be used.
2006-06-12 15:49:17 UTC

By definition, hoarding is accumulating a private cache. How many billionaires do you think keep their wealth stuffed in matresses and vaults like Scrooge McDuck, only to swim through and show-off to guests? I'd speculate very few. Why would they when there are plenty of investment derivatives out there that offer a much greater return than that of the local currency, which you'd be accepting by stashing away your riches. Interestingly, billionaires are behind a great deal of venture capital which fuels future innovation and reinforces our great class of entrepreneurs; as well as philanthropic efforts that are conveniently forgotten to make a point.


Brilliant! Following your thinking, we might as well stop researching medical advantages for the handicapped, and start hacking off every last one of us at the knees so we all get to share the comfort of those lovely wheelchairs. Call me old fashioned, but I embrace the belief that the human mind is the most innovative tool we know of. Cynics such as yourself short-change individuals and their impressive ability to problem solve; you prefer to discourage smart work by taxing success.
2006-06-12 15:46:34 UTC
Charity begins at home.

Before we figure out how to cure poverty in Third World Countries, we should take care of the homeless and poor in the USA. We need to deal with the super rich in the same way that the French dealt with the Aristocracy in the French Revolution - or similarly extreme.
Lupin IV
2006-06-12 14:26:44 UTC
Living on 2 dollars a day means nothing. In India 2 dollars buys quite a lot.

Education is key no matter where you live. If you are educated you have skills to provide for yourself. And you have the education to realize if a country (say a ethiopia, somalia or north korea) is causing your poverty and lack of food.
2006-06-12 12:08:16 UTC
In extremely poor countries the biggest enemies of the people are their own governments. Tinpot dictators (and "democrats" in statist countries) use bloated bureaucracies to maintain support. If it takes 40 different forms and multiple years to set-up a legitimate business in a country, then most would-be entrepreneurs choose to bribe the bureaucrats they must deal with in order to move the process forward. Think of all the time and capital wasted! In addition, property rights are almost non-existent, so many people in developing nations are squatters and have no ability to build equity through land ownership.

I suggest two things that the IMF/World Bank could encourage: 1) Eliminate almost all government agencies. Buy out the bureaucrats with lump-sum payments and allow private organizations/companies to perform many of the "services" previously in the government's domain. This will free up tons of capital for more productive uses, as well undermine the power held by dictators. 2) Initiate large-scale land reform, improving both the legal aspects of land ownership and auctioning off most government-owned land.

People in poor nations have the drive to improve themselves, they are merely restricted government policies.
Michael B
2006-06-12 11:54:48 UTC
I think a variety of approaches is the only way to even consider an end to global poverty. However, I'm fascinated of late by microinvestments from individuals and groups in wealthier nations.

Small business start-up loans that are in amounts that might buy a moderately priced piece of furniture here can be a life-changing amount in the third world.

I'm kind of glad to see members of the media take advantage of community-based Web architectures like this...I'd be interested to learn if you find good source, direction, and inspiration from sites like this as well as how it shapes your thinking before you dive into a piece.
2006-06-12 10:27:35 UTC
1st, recognize that there will always be poor people.

2nd, recognize that poverty is relative to the availability of resources within a geographic region.

3rd, determine if poverty, economically speaking, is a worthwhile tool to keep. Poverty, in a free market, motivates people to get the skills and knowledge to move out of their state and advance in economic placement within society. George Washington, Ben Franklin, and Carnegie are all poor people who became tremendously wealthy through enterprise. They were motivated by the poverty around them to improve themselves. So some form of poverty must exist to make sure that people have motivation to improve, otherwise Atlas will shrug.

4th, open up markets across the world, spread capitalism, eliminate subsidies, promote free trade, empower individuals with capitalism, end the welfare capitalism of Europe, which still acts as a colonial model towards the third world, and promote technology within the 3rd world so as to eliminate the necessity of work in a primary market economy and push them towards a secondary or tertiary economic model of success.

5th, make world bank interest 1% above inflation of the base bill that was used as market currency to configure the value of the loan in real dollars.

This will solve it. There will always be poor, but with this model they will not be primitive and poor.
Real Friend
2006-06-12 05:35:28 UTC
The only thing that has that Utopian ability is pure un regulated capitalism. Look what an almost pure form of it has done in the last 200 years in this country.

almost tripled all our life spans, abolished slavery, our poorest are the fattest people. Once only seen in the wealthiest in the world.

Support politicians who take action to free up the market place of ideas and advancements in technology less government and more freedom is the best way. The new values will trickle down to everyone. Like cures for illness.

We can't motivate people to help themselves unless they are free to fail.
2006-06-11 19:03:11 UTC
Contentment is the solution.

Contentment lies in feeling satisfied with what one has.Some people question the value of contentment,because they consider ambition as ladder to progress.The more one has, the more one seems to want.There is no end to ambition and greed.According to Guru Nanak,greed burns like an unquenchable fire;the more it is fed the stronger its flames rise.A greedy man is never satisfied,even when he gets all he wants, An Avaricious man blunts his conscience and even bleeds his nearest and dearest ones.

Contentment implies frugality.Our wants are many, and our real needs few.Things,we can do without, cannot be regarded as necessities. Peace of mind comes from the elimination of wanting.

Contentment implies that life is greater than its wealth or riches.Regard money as a trust, real joy comes from giving and not in receiving.Moreover,excessive wealth often leads to luxury and vice.

Contentment is felt when one compared his lot with those who are less fortunate.Adversity is not punishment but rather an opportunity for development.Moreover in poverty, there are few temptations and fewer flatterers.

A contented man remains content in adverse circumstances,be it poverty,distress or sickness.These are accepted as normal events of life,while discontented man increases his own misery by comparing his lot with that of more fortunate people.

Contentment results from submission to the Divine will which as a true Sikh accepts with gratitude and joy.Guru Arjan says:"Without contentment, it is impossible to acquire peace of mind." Peace and happiness come naturally to a stable mind.
2006-06-11 14:55:33 UTC
The key to ending poverty IMHO lies in providing survival skills. It has been said that to provide food for a community is not as helpful as teaching that community how to provide food for itself.

I believe that President Kennedy's creation, the Peace Corps, should become a worldwide effort. As such, it should become a part of the United Nations, funded by all nations of the world, and involving all nations of the world. It should consist of specialists from every corner of the globe who have the knowledge and skills needed to assist in ending extreme poverty around the world.
2006-06-11 13:52:28 UTC
Teach values to our children, either in school or home or both. Things like human worth, charity, caring for others, respect for others, the value of kindness and fairness and giving them a sense of community - locally, nationally and globally. Children with these values instilled in them will grow up to be adults with the motivation and power to make positive changes in the world. Every action that happens in our world no matter how big or global starts with one person and their dream. People need to rely more on each other and less on our governments. Unfortunately, right now the people that are relied upon are few and far between, less people means less change. The future starts now.
2006-06-11 11:20:47 UTC
This is an excellent question........I will be spending a few months in Calcutta this summer and have been researching the poverty there.

I think everyone (in the US anyway), should have to spend some time in extreme poverty some kind of educational experience. Can you imagine the insight you would receive if you not only had to know about poverty, but live within its bounds and thrive within it?
home schooling mother
2006-06-11 10:36:23 UTC
I believe there are two things that will benefit the poor the most.

Many families rely on the contributions of three and four generations to survive. Disease can cause an upset in that balance, putting extra burden on contributing members. The better we can be at preventing disease, the better the chances are for survival.

Better access to clean water would be a huge help to people. Clean water would offer better chances for good hygiene and disease prevention, drinking water for better health, and water to feed animals and irrigate gardens. I'm sure there is a reason why we don't do this, but I would think that digging lots and lots of wells would be a priority in impoverished areas.

The other thing I think would benefit the poor is access to better education. Just being able to read can help a person be successful, and knowing how to add and subtract can help prevent exploitation. The better an education a person has, the better their ability to help themselves and help their families and community.

My pieces of this puzzle would be to provide fresh water for disease prevention and production of food and an education to help people make wiser choices, handle their affairs better, and help others in their community.
2006-06-12 09:20:08 UTC
I for one do not think you can ever find a workable solution to your question. Reason being this. In the past years I have seen many try this very thing, Only to either have the poor they were helping turn on them or take advantage of the help to keep it comeing to them, cause they did not want to work for it. Easier to let someone else do it for them.

It is sad to know there are some places that are in that shape but I might believe it wise just to grit your teeth and leave them live the life they have made for themselves. I really really do not think all the help you give them will work out.

Sometimes it is better to have them decide for themselves that they do not want to live like they do and then work to get out of it.
2006-06-12 03:06:38 UTC
Instilling the importance of education in the poor is key!

In America, like many countries, poverty is a cycle.

When one poor generation is not successful, the next generation barely has a fighting chance of succeeding at the American dream of successfully being able to get to the next higher economic class.

Values are skewed amongst the poor.

When I teach my own students who have the chance of getting themselves out of poverty, they find more value in "things": clothes, MP3 players, cell phones, jewelry. Frequently, when I ask an open-ended question like "what do you want?" to a middle class girl, I get answers like "I want to be a dentist" or "I want to own my own business." But when I ask that SAME question to a student I know is economically disadvantaged, she answers with "I want a Prada purse" or "I want the new iPod". Poverty rarely creates healthy goals.

Educating the poor gives them an equal advantage as the middle-class or even upper class at times. It keeps them on the right track. I remember reading about Namibian children who are uneducated are much more likely to contract AIDS, but children who are educated are less likely to do.

Spending a few more dollars to teach the world is just as valuable as spending a few more dollars to feed the world.
William M
2006-06-11 12:04:11 UTC
I think our Fearless leaders need to stop contributing money to these third world countries, that might I add more then 70% of the time do not support the US, and use that money to help the Veterans of the US Armed forces that are now considered outcast of the world that live on the streets. Also to use that extra money to help the other homeless people on the streets.
2006-06-12 18:02:03 UTC
Teach their governments to stop being thieves and try to take care of thier own poeple. The USA cant babysit the world. Some will not even try to be diplomatic. Some steal the aid We send them And sell it to build palaces. Are You really a doctor and have so much money that You have nothing else to worry about? Why dont You send the poor starving people in Iraq Your next pay check?
2006-06-12 17:26:04 UTC
hey doc-like what you are doing-i think that there is enough to go around for all and would love to see the whole human race working towards our future but people who dont know where the next meal comes from that is difficult to think of the future-i am not rich but bills get paid and have roof over my head and a dollar a day wouldnt bankrupt me or a lot of people and would help a lot of other people-problem is getting to the people it seems that even charity has gotten commercialized maybe at the level of the un this could be put into place-lots of love keep the peace old hippie
2006-06-12 17:14:37 UTC
YES! YES! This must be my lucky day. To hazard a glace at yahoo answers, and find Jeffrey Sachs, the poverty "fighter" discussing this very topic!

Haha, this is going to be too fun, to completely REFUTE your claims on how to solve world poverty. I remember you had a splendid conversation with John Stossel, yes? You seemed a bit short of speech there, after John completely BELITTLED your arguments. I dissent your poverty solutions.

It is so foolish and childish of you to think that money is the answer to everyone's problems, especially when HOW the money is "distributed" to particularly the people of Africa by "their leaders" is not certain (by you at least). YOU forced Western nations to DOUBLE the foreign aid. YOU claim to be helping the poor Africans. YOU are hurting them!

You rely on people who only look on the surface of things to gain fame and recognition! If you delve deeper... then you will find that giving money to kleptocratic leaders hurts the African people, by helping to fund the government's bad policies! The government suppresses the African people's ability to own land, do business, and expand their businesses(among other things), which is the KEY FACTOR in stopping poverty. If Western governments tore down the walls of repression in African economics, as South Asian countries did for themselves, then they would be well on their way to being poverty-free!! BE OPEN MINDED. That is the key for learning, understanding, and solving these bloody problems!!!
2006-06-12 13:34:38 UTC
Hm. Apparently everyone should read Dr. Sachs book, "The End of Poverty." He's one of the smarter individuals alive today, in case no one recognized'im.

I'd like to add that even Adam Smith said "Capitalists neither are, nor should be, the masters of society." Even he didn't believe in a totally free market, as it clearly leads to drastic inequality.

The problem isn't inequality in station, but inequality in ability to change things, and that is what the fight is against.

Will some rise to the top? Yeah, and good for them, I say! As long as everyone had a half-decent starting spot (which they don't) I'm quite delighted for them!

But the (totally) free market will not fix our problems.

2006-06-12 09:01:02 UTC
I subscribe to the Jack Johnson "I can change the world with my two hands" theory.

In other words each person needs to have conviction to make a change and do what they can to make that better. I do not have the influence of Barack Obama so I support him to make big changes, but in my life I do what I through raising the critical literacy of children and adults in roles that I have, and helping insitutions who serve the poor with financial assistance and time.

The problem is do we have enough people with conviction?

One of the biggest things that stops our efforts is greed. In America we want things. Our society seems to perpetuate that notion. We have television shows about elaborate 16th birthday parties and life of the rich and famous organized crime families. When was the last time you saw a show about a missionary or a social worker?

So the world needs to be educated and reminded that there is poverty. As much as I hate seeing the pictures on TV, they need to be shown. I applaud people who use their star power to help these efforts--I just wish the networks quit portraying the ideal and started showing reality.

I guess what I am saying is we can change it but we need support and reminder that it needs to be changed.
2006-06-12 08:21:29 UTC
I think the solution to most of the problems in our world is education. We need to place all of our resources and emphasis on education. Educating not just for better jobs, but for a better way of life. Teach people how to fish, don't just give them a fish. And that could be taking literally... teach people how to grow crops or how to raise cows. Things that will feed them and help them to raise money for their families.

Also education for better jobs... public education is in the toilet here in the U.S. I feel the government needs to stop worrying about subsidizing private schools or sending a select few to private schools for a better education... rather, the government should focus on the problem which is the public school system.

Countries that live in extreme poverty need to be helped... give them financial assistance that is conditioned on use for education. Education can work to prevent the spread of disease, the spread of hate & bigotry, and it can help bring these families out of poverty. Education is the key... it is the answer to our world's future.
2006-06-11 16:07:54 UTC
Ending poverty would require establishing a utopian society. Do you really think that is possible or would work, based on the world as we know it today? I tend to doubt it.

The beginning to an ending of poverty begins with education. Perhaps we need to see that all nations provide their citizens with an equal and adequate education--a monumental task to say the least.
2006-06-13 15:07:20 UTC
First of all, I do not think it will ever happen. If you follow the agenda of the globalist elite, you will find that they are actively pursuing a depopulation agenda, as well as condemning the "cattle" to indentured servitude. We are pawns to them, and they do to us as they see fit. And, they truly believe we are just another animal to be caged and controlled.

If they wanted to end poverty, it would be quite simple. The world is spending 1.15 trillion this year on defense. Imagine dividing that 1.15 trillion among the 3 billion living on $2/day. That would more than double their standard of living.

I just don't think those in power really care about their plight. I think they would rather eradicate the people that are hungry than to eradicate their hunger.
2006-06-12 18:35:51 UTC
I too would love to help. I am working on a plan that I believe will help alot. I would need much more room to lay out the plan but I can give you a general concept of it. I am currently seeking investors for a new invention promotion business. Unlike any other in the world. This business would take ideas from people through out the world. The 3billion people you speak of is also a number I have in my business plan. It states that roughly 3billion people could be clients. Worlwide we would develop ideas for people. Financing, developing, and marketing. This would help people from all nations to come up with ideas that would benefit their paricular area. Providing spritual growth,(they will need to have faith in their idea in order for it to work and we know that faith can move mountains), education, and jobs. I have been preparing for six years and I am now ready to start implementing the plan. I am at If there is anyway I can help please email me. Scott Hindes. May God Bless You on your venture.
2006-06-12 15:58:41 UTC
Sometimes the solution is simple but the implementation is hard. This is one of those times. If we gave these people 4 things the problem would solve itself.

1. Reliable, predictable, obtainable, safe food source

2. Reliable, predictable, obtainable, safe water source

3. Reliable, predictable, obtainable education

4. The freedom for the individual to control their own destiny.

The hard part is not doing this. We do these things every day. These are things that even the poor people in Western countries take for granite. The hard part is coming to a consensus on how to do it. If one person controlled everything this problem would be solved quickly. With many people, with many view points ( which may conflict ) it is very hard to ge people to move to supply these things for everybody. Just to prove this point lets ask what everybody thinks is the biggest problem in the world. You are going to get so many different answers it would be impossible to get even one problem solved. So my solution is to get a group of very powerful resourceful people together on this and have them provide the resource to get it done. They just have to be able to tell all others to stuff their idea in a hole and forget it. Problem solved. Next one please.
Adam the Engineer
2006-06-12 15:30:33 UTC
You could do one of the following:

1. Initiate neuclear war with all impoverished nations.

2. Create some sort of organization that is a charity for improving the quality of life in impoverished nations. This charity could support those who are willing to go on trips with organizations such as Engineers Without Borders, ect. There are a large number of people who would be willing to go on these sort of trips for a week or two but cannot afford to do so.
2006-06-12 14:25:05 UTC
Simple. Scale down your definition of what "extreme poverty" is. As mighty as the dollar is, that is no measure of poverty or wealth. I've heard it said so many times over my life from people who were "defined" as "poor", "We didn't even know we were poor till someone told us we were", and then they would continue on with their stories about how they walked so many miles to school on bitter cold days without shoes, or without the soles in their shoes because they couldn't afford them ( I think that was my grandfather's favorite story of himself and his family as they grew up in the "Deep South") or how they did without this or that to eat because their dad just didn't have the money to buy it, or the roof had been leaking so long that they thought everyone's roof acted like that, and they felt "spooked" when the rain drops stopped falling on their heads while they sat around enjoying each other's company, without the "salvation" of a tv. My dad once told me, decades ago, that the biggest mistake our culture makes is that we feel we can fix everything if we just throw more dollars at it. I remember looking at him and thinking, well, what else would one do?? Then I realized, many years later, that money didn't fix the overwhelming number of problems. It was peoples' attitudes toward this and that that cured the problem. It kinda reminds me of that line in the movie "Patton" where he's being interviewed by the media about his mistreatment of his Italian POW's, and he responds, "Hell, they didn't even know what a latrene was till I showed 'em, and now I'm being accused of not providing enough of them." How do we end poverty in the world? Change the "helpers' " attitudes. Money, of any denomination, is the least important factor. God Bless you.
2006-06-12 10:26:22 UTC
Ending extreme poverty in the world will only happen when each human being who wants to procreate and raise a child only does so if or when he/she has the means or family support to be able to fully look after that child.

Families must help families. We cannot rely on handouts from government or other individuals.
2006-06-12 10:22:51 UTC
Governments are the biggest reason for poverty

Corruption in Government is the second biggest reason

If we (the USA) send aid half way around the world

Clothes food material to build shelters ect

How much gets to the really needy

Most goes to the corrupt police and gov officials.

If we don't how much gets to those who really need it

Paradox Catch22 how ever you want to see it

Gods Kingdom is the only true answer
Miss Red
2006-06-12 10:17:42 UTC
Wealth is a limited resource. When 2 % of the world has 80% of the money, somebody somewhere is going to starve. The real solution isn't viable, isn't reasonable and will never be implamented. Redistribute wealth directly and limit one's ability gain personal wealth. Seeing as how all jobs that involve any sort of political power pay extremely well, this will never, ever happen.
2006-06-12 08:42:35 UTC
I think that the UN should make it mandatory for all developed and developing contries to contribute funds needed every year to fight poverty. People need to be made more aware of poverty around the world. It's only when you see, that you believe, understand and feel like doing something about it. People need to contribute and donate more. Make it mandatory for all tax filers to contribute, say $5 every year towards poverty. Contributions are tax deductible anyways!!!
2006-06-11 23:07:15 UTC
I'm a middle class guy and like many people i dun really care who lives in poverty and whats his income. The first thing is to make the politicians and the rich people think seriously about the topic. Then again the poor people are damn ignorant thats wat i dun like coz they keep on missing the opportunities provided which they cant afford to if they wanna b rich. The middle class sect has made it here from poverty due to immense hard work and being alert of the opportunities which most poors dun really wanna do. so i think it depends 90% upon the poors to clinch the chances and live a better life. ITS TRUE THAT NOBODY WANTS TO B POOR BUT MANY OF THEM WANNA STAY LIKE THAT AND THATS THE MENTALITY THAT SHUD B CHANGED.
2006-06-11 13:52:34 UTC
ok ....well some people who live in poverty probably hadn't given their education much value because if they did then they would have gotten a good job and made a living. All people who could still receive an education should take the chance because when we are older we have less chance to become educated. Basically, kids in todays generation should give their education more value because it has a tremendous effect on our future.
2006-06-11 11:11:38 UTC
To me, the answer is in free trade and minimum government. Any government program takes more money and does less with it than any non-profit foundation would ever consider, let alone a profit-making corporation. If we were not wasting resources doing pork barrel projects, salaries for government employees who are counterproductive, and law enforcement for laws that are unjust and don't need enforcement, we'd have plenty of money in our own pockets. Those who have jobs and can work would not mind contributing to legitimate charitable institutions if they weren't being drained for wasteful government programs.

As to free trade, the big thing here is that people in the developed countries tend to enjoy the arts and crafts of the less developed countries, and would love to travel and buy up hand-made treasures if there weren't so many problems. Also, free trade greatly reduces militarism: you don't want to shoot your market or your supplier!

As to those who rail about wealthy people "tying up" wealth; that's nonsense. Wealthy people put their money to work, they don't let it sit in a vault doing nothing, like Scrooge McDuck. They invest in all sorts of things, and those investments are productive and hire people and make things people need. There's plenty of wealth in the world if we'd just stop wasting it on bloated bureaucracies.

As to limited resources, the obvious thing is creative recycling. Here again, poor countries can teach the more developed countries a thing or three about using resources like scrap metal, recycled plastics and glass, etc., and develop new arts and technologies that can be sold all over the world. Did you know plastic bottles can be recycled into fabrics for clothing?
2006-06-10 11:13:14 UTC
I donate clothing, food, and money. Sometimes it isn't much, but if everyone who is able to contribute, did so, it would make a dramatic impact upon those who exist in impoverished conditions. Education is another empowering tool to fight poverty. I'm not just talking about third world countries either, it exists right here in the USA. It is gut wrenching to see my fellow American go without. I volunteer, but there are not enough people involved. We can make a difference, by raising national focus right here, in our own "back yard".
2006-06-12 22:46:20 UTC
Ideas for countering poverty:

Poverty cannot be done away in short period, Governments should commit for proper and sustained efforts to improve the economy and they should also ensure that the fruits of the development pass on to the roots of the society

Probable things to do:

Government of every country should aim at optimizing the utilization of its natural resources; for instance, a proper COMPETITION POLICY, and a proper patent policy etc., will ensure proper utilization of the resources in the long term.

Better planning and executing of the projects relating to provision of the infrastructure, (institutional support should be given to week and poor countries, by rich and developed countries) which will result in a good infrastructure facilities at a cheap / low costs to its citizens

Discourage / eliminate cartels (like OPEC) which have an improper effect on the valuation of a commodity people buy and consume and has effects of increasing inflation.

Encourage Outsourcing of all the processes to the most efficient place., which increases the bottom lines of companies and in turn that of the countries in which they work.

Govt. should get out of the process of subsidizing and should aim at educating its entire citizens about the advantages of providing equal opportunities.
2006-06-12 10:51:00 UTC
An idea for solving some of this problem would be for the United States to start setting a good example by not getting involved in anyone Else's problems and get all of the countries that owe the U.S.A. an awful lot of money that our presidents saw fit to "lend" our hard earned money to and just keep it in this country. I guess we are the only country that goes broke by "giving" away our money to countries that would rather kill us than look at us.

The politicians have to learn to keep their mouths shut and stay out of trouble by getting us and other countries involved in wars that end up costing all of us everything and that includes taking our loved ones from us.

The whole world needs to learn to forgive and forget and to put whatever hurt they are going through behind them and to get on with their lives which means to take care of all it's own people and stop taking away what isn't theirs to take from others.

Every war has cost every one more than they can afford to give or have taken from them and not only in this country but for most countries as well.

If the governments would really think of it's people instead of what's in it for them, I then believe everyone would have a much better chance to make a difference in solving the extreme poverty that is tearing this world apart day by day.

I have said what I believe to be at least a part of the problems and hopefully something that would help to rid it too.

It really boils down to the politicians and the rules they make up as they go merrily along their way.

It's a wonder that there isn't more crimes in this country as well as others with the situations are in each. No one can afford to live on $2.00 a day and should not be made to either. The cost of living is a real joke because the only ones who benefit are those who really don't need it and what's with all the tax breaks anyway? Who really benefits from them anyway? It's the working class and all those less fortunate who aren't able to find a job who suffer and those tax breaks don't do them any good at all.

Give us all a good break is what every government has to do in order to make a good difference in this world.

I thought our government was supposed to work for "We the people" and not for themselves and stop supporting countries that hate us and let those countries learn how to take care of their own people if our government would start to do as it's supposed to do by helping "We the people" who put them in office believing all that they promised to do before electing them.

God save this wonderful world before it's to late.

God bless us all.
2006-06-12 04:08:48 UTC
No human government or organization can end poverty...sorry for being negative. The only way to rid the world of poverty is by ending apathy, corruption and greed. Thousands of people donate money to charities but not all of it (or in some cases none of it) reach the people who need it. What we need is a miracle.
2014-07-06 04:54:59 UTC
but personally, I would have every college student to mandatory teach/study abroad at their last year in college. It took me 5 years to graduate and I think I was able to go out in the real world after 4 years. I'd rather help the world before going out in the real world. Spending a year and sharing my knowledge and experience of my first 4 years of college with someone in a third world country would become into a mutual satisfying outcome/relationship.
2014-09-24 13:59:34 UTC
30 would be Christian

89 would be heterosexual

11 would be homosexual

6 would possess 59% of the entire world's wealth, and all 6 would be from the United States.

80 would live in substandard housing

70 would be unable to read

50 would suffer from malnutrition

Pay close attention to the fact,
2006-06-12 16:36:13 UTC
The answer is simple - it is very cost effective to provide hydroponic growing systems ...

Give every poverty bound citizen of the world the ability to create sustainability in regards to food & crime rates will decrease - what little money they have can be spent on product making materials.

This may not solve poverty but it sure as heck will feed everyone..
2006-06-12 15:43:19 UTC
The U.S. should unilaterally remove all agricultural subsidies. Even if Japan and Europe don't want to go along at first, they'll be shamed into it. Agricultural subsidies keep the price of food artificially low. Removing this market distortion would be a huge boost to world food prices. Places like Africa that have lots of good land and hard working farmers with no money would experience a renaissance.
2006-06-12 14:47:53 UTC
I lost my idealism a long time ago. To get everyone on board to solve those worldly problems would be like asking nations to throw away their nuclear weapons. I remember about 15 years ago, they had a massive rock and roll concert in London and Philadelphia to raise money to help the starving folks in Ethopia. They got the money, they brought the food, and what happened, the boats got stuck in the harbor, because the government didn't want outside interference in their country. Also a lot of this has to do with Euro-American centrist thinking. We see others who don't live like us, and we say poor them. Who knows, maybe they are not so miserable, and lot of it could be media propagranda to make ourselves feel better by saying to ourselves how lucky we are. Culture is an odd perception in the eyes of foreigners.
2006-06-12 08:35:55 UTC
Poverty is caused by lack of Knowledge. People who have no or little education, have low self esteems and do not know how to get out of the situation they are in. They get jobs that pay them slave wages and except it because they feel they have to. They buy items for higher costs because they do not have the educatio to know when they are being ripped off or not. In order for us to change the world about poverty we hav eot strive to educate those who cannot afford to educate themselves. We need to stop spending money on frivolous things such as entertainment and sports. I have nothing against watching Football or baseball. But explain to me why we spend more money on 1- football player for our sports team than we will allow to go to educating the children in our schools. We need to get our priorities inline or this world will never see an end to poverty.
2006-06-12 06:29:46 UTC
Elevate the social status of women in developing and poverty-stricken countries. In many of these places, a woman is financially dependant on first her father, then her husband. If something happens to the man in her life, religous law or social custom forbids her from getting a job for pay and she ends up begging in the streets or prostituting herself to survive and/or feed her children.

Cap the salaries of the entertainment industry. It's obscene how many millions some actors and sports stars earn, both from their "official" duties and from advertising endorsements. In that way, admission prices to games, movies or concerts will level off, then lower-middle class families will no longer have to choose between a little entertainment on days off from work, or giving something to charity.

ENFORCE IMMIGRATION LAWS. This is not just for the United States, but all countries. Currently, many countries allow "guest workers" to come in and do jobs that are distasteful to the natives. Often these "guest workers" are in the country illegally, and are ready, willing, and able to work for less than the legal minimum wage.

Adjust the minimum wage in all countries to make it a "living wage" for that area. Impose stiff penalties *and* fines to employers found violating wage laws.

End corporate welfare. Big corporations should get minimal tax breaks, if any.

Improve food distribution. I think it's obscene the way many countries, the US included, have enough food that they can afford to waste it with stupid things like jello wrestling, tomato fights, or other similar activites, when there are people starving in other countries, not because they have no money, but because there is no food to be had at any price.

Raise taxes on "luxury" items like large SUV's in major cities or gigantic televisions. Ordinary people certainly don't need these things, and the current consumer mindset is that people "must" have these things in order to adequately compete for jobs. By taxing such luxuries, fewer manufacturers will feel compelled to open plants in developing countries and exploit the workers for low pay, while at the same time freeing up cash for charitible donations.

Create or increase tax breaks for private individuals who DO donate to charity. The more people donate, the less the government has to provide for the truly poor.

That's just off the top of my head. If I think of more later, I'll come back and edit this.
2006-06-12 04:04:31 UTC
Let's start by eliminating poverty in America first.

Don't lose sight of the fact that we have poor in America, and it isn't solely due to rich peple keeping money, jobs or opportunity from them. We have a ready made contolled environment in which to experiment, and if we do it here at home, the rest of the world will not be able to condemn us for trying unproven methods on them. Once we succeed here at home, we will have a tested method which will receive much wider acceptance elsewhere.

Nobody wishes to be made the subject of an experiment. But we have no moral right to experiment upon other nations-- and a responsibility to our own citizens.

Another step that can and must be taken is to eliminate the worldwide scourge of counterfeiting American currency. This was done on the grand scale by Saddam Hussein, and was one of his non-nuclear weapons of mass effect. It is still believed to be going on in nations like China and Venezuela.

Those who are envious of American economic strength and success try to bolster their economies at the expense of ours. It hurts our poorest first, by detracting from their ability to feed, clothe and house themselves, and to care for their health. It does this by driving up inflation, and those affected first and worst are our own poor.

It is said that America has the richest poor people in the world. This is certainly true. But if we cannot eradicate the relatively low degree of poverty that we have here, we have no credibility upon which to claim that we can relieve extreme poverty elsewhere.
Kitty Kat
2006-06-11 20:21:09 UTC
Well, thats is a hard question. But, first thing first, I live in the United States and there is extreme poverty going on here also. There is a huge amount of children that is starving, right here, in one of the richest countries! Why is this? We are giving large amounts of money to countries that need it and that is wonderful! I have no objections to that. But what about the poor here? I think we need to solve our own poverty problem before we even think about solving other countries problems. That would be like, me giving my starving neighbors children something to eat and letting my children go hungry! One way to solve our poverty problem is to stop sending so many of our jobs overseas! I lost my job, due to it going overseas and I am a single mother of two children! Even though we have progams for people to get on their feet, it is silly! I understand that we need to give to others that are in need. I will. But first, I have to get on my feet. For I am in need right now. Of course, I am going to school to further my education so I can get a good job to take care of my family. But then again, what about the poverty problem that we have here? I personally know families that live in their car with their kids! This makes our country look bad! How can this happen to the United States? We are one of the richest countries and we have people that are starving and sometimes die from it! Yeah, I hear that they are doing things to help the U.S. poor, but when is it going to happen?
2006-06-11 15:07:55 UTC
1. Social responsibility: The half of the world with power should help in every way possible.

Humanitarian aid (food & health).

Economical aid (lowering tarrifs for goods from these regions, re-evaluate debts from these countries).

Political aid (Helping to supprot a system with liberty but adapted to these regions culture, respecting human rights, creating a middle class that support the system).

2. Education: After satisfy the basic needs (food & health), it is necesary to educate peolple in order to develop a better society each generation in every country or regio.
2006-06-11 12:06:18 UTC
Quite frankly, I don't see our generations effort in helping the poor. The ME and X generation are only concerned about their pocket books and could care less on who they have to crawl over to make money. Given they screw their own employees, you aren't going to get anything from them.

I don't know, we need to educate people that his world is not theirs to take and take and take!

The UN's, one of them, is to end poverty, but we barely participate.

And it isn't only poverty. It's disease.

There is no quick fix, but it seems those of moderate means are going to have to use many agencies in place.

One of the big issues is the bribery it takes to get anything through.

Governments don't seem willing to do it, they are more interested in building subs with multiple war head nuke missiles on them!

I guess we are going to have to do it our selves. One way would be to unite and force the administration to get involved in the issue or be voted out of office,

Perhaps we need a few websites where we can go to help.

What we don't need are more agencies that say they help but keep 95 cents of every dollar.

We keep letting the greedy get a way with murder. Many is this country are poor and most of the people in this country are 2 paychecks from poverty!

Nothing is easy, but as a group of people world wide maybe a difference can be made!

I mean does the CEO of Anthem really need a 2 Million dollar salary and a 12 million dollar bonus a year, and out insurance rates keep going up!
2006-06-10 11:09:44 UTC
The world Governments need to come up with their own versions of Government jobs programs. Have the impoverished and homeless do governmental factory type work for normal wages, not the "blown out of proportion" wages that the current workers get. They may not get rich, but with health benefits, and enough money to put good food on the table every night, it would not take long for these people to regain their financial stability.
2014-06-26 19:05:58 UTC
All third world country is not necessarily monetary needs but the education/experience for the local leaders to learn then let the local leaders teach the people. Only education/experience can be something that passed to someone else with the least amount of money and time.
Ragdollfloozie is Pensive!
2006-06-12 10:09:14 UTC
I believe we have to petition our governments to become more involved with the governments of the countries where people live in such poverty. I wouldn't ever suggest another Iraq but if we want to make changes it has to be through the right channels.

We can give and give but if the aid doesn't get to the right people are we not just wasting our resources.
Tom D
2006-06-12 01:40:39 UTC
There seems to be more than enough resouces somewhere in the world to feed everyone. The problem is getting it to them. Usually it's some kind of political mess that prevents the people from getting what they need.

Government needs a "people first" perspective and less military spending.

As Bucky Fuller used to say "more livingry and less weaponry."
2006-06-11 14:48:32 UTC
There are several Ideas, but your question took my breath away.

We can try to make this world better, try to do everybody happy with their families, and try to live well without pressions, and worrying about the money.

We can donate, start companies that can help children, families, poor people, and many people that do not have resources to live.

Also everybody has the right to live well and make the world a place better, and we can use money to donate, donating 1 dollar a day or trying to help people to eat in a church, or something like that. I liked very much your question, it make me realized that everybody has the right to live well, and have money, have a home, and everything that everybody have to live well and comfortable.
Phil P
2006-06-10 11:09:55 UTC
In my own personal & humble opinion, that it is virtually impossible to end poverty. Jesus said it himself in Matthew 26:10 thru 13 in the Message translation: "When Jesus realized what was going on, he intervened. "Why are you giving this woman a hard time? She has just done something wonderfully significant for me. You will have the poor with you every day for the rest of your lives, but not me. When she poured this perfume on my body, what she really did was anoint me for burial. You can be sure that wherever in the whole world the Message is preached, what she has just done is going to be remembered and admired."
red sun
2006-06-11 22:56:44 UTC
As long as there are people that are selfish poverty will never be eradicated. If we just distribute the wealth equally, teach people or give others work to have livelyhood. those billionaires should make foundations that will be a tool to teach everyone to be productive. there are many unemployed if only governments can make them productive, then poverty can be reduced.
Just Q
2006-06-11 11:34:06 UTC
Education,government reform in their countries,seeing that 99.99% of monies donated to those causes actually get to them instead of lining the pockets of those claiming to be there to help the cause.

Knowing and understanding those countries cultures and beliefs.

Modern technology would not hurt them either...with help from the outside world.

We have become a selfish,ME oriented society that sits back in our comfortable settings waiting for the government to take care of things.

The generation of today only want,want,want, and give,give,give is NOT in their vocabulary and we of this generation are to blame for that.

More things got done in people's lives 100-125 yrs ago when we were a God fearing country,when we were a country of morals and compassion and when we were as equally willing to help our neighbor as we were to help ourselves.

Not to be on a religious kick but though we do not know how to do these things,GOD can and will if he is sought and he has a plan for these things.

Prayer NEVER hurt anything and if more people were to seek GOD in a prayer that speaks of others as much as it speaks of themselves,no one knows what could happen.

We spend billions every year on alcohol and tobacco in an effort to have instant gratification because we don't spend enough time asking GOD for relief and actually give him the time to help us.

Open our hearts,think of someone other than ourselves and ask GOD to lead us where we need to go and we might actually see something happen.
Dr.Drake Romorei
2006-06-12 18:41:01 UTC
Educate all those who feel deprived of somethings(living on < 2$ a day), and help them know the value of what they have.

This way, they will firstly feel that they can survive in this world.

They shall not feel discriminated against, since they know even they can do something and have the confidence to do so.

This is not something that can be done in a day or two.

It'll take years and years....

The only way quicker way is to be together, which ever part of the world we are from, be UNITED, and help the needy.
2006-06-12 09:29:49 UTC
Why do we have to solve world poverty? granted that would be a wonderful thing. but wouldn't solving world poverty place yet more strain on the earths already limited resources? for example no poverty, more people, less farmland, more oil and other fossil fuels being used accelerating the greenhouse effect less food being produced.
2006-06-12 07:28:54 UTC
One should survey what and how best he can help to get rid of poverty. There must be money flow in the market. Money should not kept in the lockers and banks in the shape of gold and dimond. Make sure you are using your black money in trum of white. Give proper education for all. Educate girl child. Concentrate on the work what you are doing is for the short period of time or long. Better you do it for the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics.
Ming R J
2006-06-12 06:08:47 UTC
Well we could try killing 3 billion people. No? yeah, you're right probably a bit extreme.Our only hope to eradicate poverty is to first eradicate greed.
2006-06-12 06:03:25 UTC
Ensuring that the Aid provided by different countries gets through to the needy would be a good start. How many times has the donated grain (rice/wheat) arrived at it's destination only to be kept from the very people it was meant for.
2006-06-11 13:43:42 UTC
Couldn't agree more with x.k. - these basics are something we must strive to teach/learn/explore more. Also, for those that have the money, donate to causes that help make a difference, like "Doctors Without Borders", The Christian Children's Fund". All countries should also have programs to teach and send all peoples who wish to learn skills to assist others in need. In addition, we all have items to donate that others may have a need or use for. It is so outrageous to know that people are starving in this world - people: share YOUR wealth, knowledge, money o whatever you can to STOP it! Thank you, Doctor, for wonderful question, and we'd like to hear your ideas, too.
2006-06-11 11:46:48 UTC
I think the corporations of the world have to start focusing less on creating executive and shareholder wealth and more on making the world a better place.

Corporations need to focus less on spending billions to curry political favors and more on being environmentally responsible.

And people need to start seeing quality of life not in terms of how big their castle is, but rather what the world around them is doing to provide health care, food and medicine for our poorest neighbors.
2014-09-25 19:51:55 UTC
Another factor is water. Many times at dry places there is water deep below the earths surface (like geysers). Making a pipe and a pump that goes down this deep won't cost much and people will have water.
2006-06-12 17:17:26 UTC
I think that in every decision the government makes, no matter how little profit it is to them, they're always going to agree on decisions were they can have their cake and eat it too. Now here are my suggestions: 1) CUT OUT LOTTERY, the money that is used to pay people for winning lottery could go towards paying classroom teachers so they dont have to come out of their pockets with money they can't afford to spend in reality; or add it to the jobs that people without high school diplomas and colledge degrees have to work at. 2)RE-EVALUATE JOB PAY IN EVERY FIELD. why are atheletes, who are playing sports that they enjoy, getting payed millions when police officers, fire fighters, and E.M.T's among others who are risking their lives or who are doing something necessary for their community are getting payed chump change. If the government can change the meanings of what was wrote in the constitution, why cant we changematters like these. POINT BLANK cut out the fun and spend our taxes and money wisely.
2006-06-12 14:03:57 UTC
one you must relize that this goal will not happen in our lifetime or even the next...first we must stop all war for awhile to be able to help the poverty riden countries...hense i said awhile because if war stops then soldiers and generals who are paid to defend the country would be out of work...we must pin point countries that need the most help and start there for if the countries with problems regarding political leaders we must take them down from power and place them in our countries protection then have a representative of the country stay there and rule the country fairly and justly the ncountinue onto the next country...This plan stands for war and there will be protests from both countries but once we do this it will open up that country for economic growth.
2006-06-12 12:40:13 UTC
there is a system of 'zakat' the Islam. it includes compulsarily donating 2.5% of the yearly savings (earnings minus the amount spend on urself) by every muslim for the poor , suffering , hungry etc.

make 'zakat' compulsory for each and every well earning person of the world , it will be an effective way to eradicate poverty and hunger to a good extent.
2006-06-11 14:30:29 UTC
First of all we need to stop wasting so many resources. Some of the 3rd world countries cant get the help they need because they are run by totalitarian governments or they have gorila armies that go after the aid-vehicles. I think the first thing is to find better ways to get the aid to the people, teach them about health-contraception(no contraception-more people to feed). Help them to help themselves not expect a handout.
2006-06-10 12:58:18 UTC
Instead of rewarding people for creating things that end up in the land fill within a couple of years, let's start rewarding people for creating things that last decades and can at least be passed down to more needy folk when the owners want something new.
2006-06-12 16:09:51 UTC
That is easy - we have to be less selfish with our time and resources and we have to want to help our fellow man. We have to look at each as though we are our brother's keeper and we have to be motivated by the other's circumstance and situation and be willing to help until resolution is reached. We have to vote and vote on issues that will change our political climate not only nationaly but internationaly as well. We have to be willing to accept that we have let not only our fellow man down but ourselves and we have to be willing to step up to the plate and set a higher standard in which we all can live and grow and reach. It will not be easy because mind set have been set up and conditioned but it can be done. We have to truly want to end 'hot' political topics such as racism, sexism and the like.
2006-06-12 01:20:34 UTC
It’s easy: give up selfish national politics and get rid of the protectionism. If it happens worldwide, many farmers would go bankrupt in the developed countries, but those in Africa would have a chance to establish a business, hire local people... etc. Ironically, the food aids also prevent this because people won’t cultivate the lands if they get free food.
2006-06-11 14:11:37 UTC
I believe in making science and education a priority. I believe that though science you can create food in the worst of places, and educating the next (and future) generations about poverty in the world. As we grew up, we made a dent, hopefully we can eventually find a way.
2006-06-12 18:43:50 UTC
I think we have no business helping other countries with their poverty situations until we've helped our own people first.

Would you feed my children and let your own starve?

Same principle. Care for USA's poor before helping others. Once we're solid, then we can worry about other's problems.

I think one thing that would help is if each country would worry about it's OWN rate of exchange and stop comparing everybody's dollars to Britain's. That is just BOGUS! They produce the least and their dollar is worth the most? BOGUS!
2006-06-12 13:54:46 UTC
poverty can be eradicated only if our politicians are wise and intelligent enough to create policies so that new methods are implemented in modern ways like as follows,,i wil give example only in one field,,,

entrance test should be conducted for all politics aspirants,,,,

only policy makers can eradicate this evil from our society

come to politics ,,,clean it and then ask this question,,and try to find the answer,,,this is not the way for eradicating poverty
2006-06-12 17:39:05 UTC
It's my opinion that the solution is some how eliminate every thing that seemingly causes extreme poverty, or at least poverty of all kinds. Figure what what causes it, and eliminate it, all together. Simply put, elminate teh cause and you eliminate the problem, too- or vicea versa.
2006-06-12 11:18:20 UTC
I believe there are many people who would be willing to go to poverty stricken countries to teach and work alongside the population who do not have the funds to make the trip (plane fair, passport, vaccinations, etc.). It would be great if there were a nonprofit organization providing grants to cover those costs.
2006-06-12 00:52:42 UTC
There are multiple fronts to be covered in order to tackle this age old problem and to bring about a dramatic change to the way we look at poverty and poor people. Let us try to understand where the challenges lie for this generation.

1. Poor Education

2. Poor / Unhealthy living conditions

3. Less Income

4. Healthcare

5. Poor Infrastructure in the developing countries

6. Corruption

It is a vicious circle. Where on one hand we do have voluntary institutions and charitable organisations who are working day in and day out for the betterment of the poor, what we need is strong corporate support for the poor. Now let us see why the corporate bodies would not be interested in uplifting the poor and how we can change their mindset.

As the points listed above, the poor obviously do not have the spending power, so companies are not interested on that basis. Other than that they are less educated so that also results in lack of interest on the corporate side. So we need to have a different strategy in order to make the companies invest in countries which has poverty. Let us try to get a solution to this complex problem.

1) At the local level we need to have institutions which not only gives adult education but also teaches them skills on which they can begin and sustain their livelihood. Some kind of funding should be given to this kind of institutions in order to provide mid-day meals to the people who come in to learn new skill sets. This would lead to poor people coming at the lure of food and would eventually learn new skills which would enable them to work in future in companies.

2) Other than that, we need to create educational institutes for the children as well. We have to ensure that there is no child labour because in poor countries this is one principal problem.

3) We can attract companies on the basis that there are skill set available with the people and they can work with cheap labour. So industries which are labour intensive and whose cost depends on the cost of labour, at the same time does not require too many skills i.e., routine work, could be attracted.

4) These companies would be entrusted the work of ensuring the local infrastructure is developed under them. The necessary roads, sanitation, worker's housing colonies could be developed by the concerned company.

In this manner we could slowly and gradually work towards the eradication of poverty. Poverty can only be eradicated with the support of industries who provide money to people and thus provide for their livelihoods. Subsequently, with money in people's hands they have the spending capacity which eventually leads to attraction of more companies and better infrastructure, eventually uplifting them.

Even the famous thinker and management guru, Mr. Peter Drucker acknowledged the power of industrialization in uplifting people from abject poverty to a stage where they can educate themselves, earn by themselves and be able to sustain their livelihood. He gave the examples of countries like America and Europe wherein before industrialization the state of people in that country and after industrialization how the scenario changed dramatically. Slowly and eventually that nation rises. Obviously the problem of governance and corruption are always going to be there, but with better education and well informed people it has to go eventually. The above steps should see that atleast the next generation of people are not poor.

There are many assumptions in this hypothetical theory but nevertheless, I feel that there is a definite solution waiting to be discovered to eradicate the poverty.
Samoht Retep
2006-06-10 11:08:00 UTC
I believe that the first step is to stop run away inflation and stop hoarding money. A multi-billionaire is tying down a lot of cash.

Second, stop raising minimum wage and start putting a cap on wages. Sorry, no one is worth millions of dollars a year in salary.

Controlling the idea of, "He who dies with the most is the winner!"

would alleviate the halt placed on the advancement and even survival of masses of good people.

What do I know. I only see people working themselves into the grave for nothing, while dead meat reaps all the benefits.
2014-05-28 08:19:16 UTC
I do believe in rewards for your efforts, but God forgive me, I can't and I will never accept that meanwhile there are doctors in many countries working double shifts for $120 a month (and their paydays being delayed sometimes for 3 months), there are basketball players earning gazillion dollars a year just for being tall.
2006-06-12 19:12:27 UTC
How can we end poverty in the world?

Take rich guys like Bill Gates and divide his income. Sad but true.
2006-06-12 15:54:21 UTC
As a teacher I feel it is my responsibility to raise awareness among today's youth to not only acknowledge but take an active role in educating themselves in making a conscious effort to remedy and prevent what is happening today by making responsible choices when they are heads of state, CEO of a company, or simply a concerned teacher. We have the power to make tomorrow better than today.
Vince M
2006-06-12 15:28:40 UTC
It may not be a popular answer, but I suggest that INCREASED golbalization of industries, agricultural and otherwise, will help to redistibute wealth. It cannot be denied that, like it is here, wealth will continue to to gravitate to a few "at the top," but the top will be spread around to more contries. "Trickle down" is not the best way to gain improvements in the quality of life for those on the bottom, but I don't see any way, short of armed interevention, of redistributing the wealth directly.
2006-06-12 13:11:33 UTC
its a capitalistic world consenqince and a real drastic change wont happen over night

though if the big corporation will work with the usa gov n the help of other gov n instead of using that power to use the third world countries they will start helping them build a better education n health system things will start to look better
2006-06-12 09:09:04 UTC
I sure don't see how it is the responsibility of any other country to feed the people of another country. It seems likes it should come from their own government. Unfortunately most if governments (mine included) are all into helping themselves and friends and care little for the overall health and well being of their people. I am a firm believer in people pulling themselves up on their own. They seem to appreciate it that way. I am all in favor in giving advice and funding to improve others. (Teach a man to fish and he can feed himself) Sorry I am not in favor of giving out handouts, especially when most of it ends up in big business/government pockets.
2006-06-12 02:11:22 UTC
Birth control
2006-06-11 16:30:37 UTC
There's way too many people making way too much money in the world. Politicians don't really care about their constituents, but rather how much money they can make by sucking up to one rich guy or another, and our entertainers make more money than I'd know what to do with if I had it.

The problem is, if the jobs that required the most effort or were too disgusting for most to want to do were the highest paid jobs, no one would want to bother learning how to do higher level things because they could get richer working in the sewer or something. People are pretty screwed up when it comes to money. They want to be able to get as rich as they possibly can, while exerting as little effort as possible to do so.

Also, products ought to be made to last, instead of being made so you have to buy a new one every other year. If you could buy a car that'd last 20 years, more people would be able to spend their money on something else (or donating it to others) instead of just replacing broken stuff all the time.

Teaching people how to spend their money would help too. At one point my family (2 people) survived on $500 a month. We didn't have anything fancy, but we also weren't in debt up to our eyeballs because we just HAD to have 6 pairs of Nikes or something. A lot of people try to live beyond their means and end up being badly in debt, and so the companies they're in debt to have to increase prices to make up for the money they lost, and it just starts a vicious circle. Also, companies seem to all want to make 500% profit on everything. If an item costs $1 to make, WHY are you selling it for $10? That's just plain ridiculous.

Education would be part of it too. Not educating people in skills and such, but teaching them that learning stuff is good. So many kids around the world think school is something to be endured until you can drop out (I was one of them :P), and make fun of anyone who gets a good grade, and can't stand to read books. I look around me and see all kinds of high school graduates who can't even spell simple words. Somewhere along the line it became "in" to let other people think for you, whether because you're too lazy to figure out a math problem, or by following all the trends in designer jeans and whatnot. So people need to be taught that learning and thinking are good things to do, because otherwise they'll all end up working at McDonalds or something.

Speaking of which, we waste a buttload of food here that could be given to poor people instead of making them have to hunt through dumpsters to get it. If all the restaurants would donate their excess food to soup kitchens and such, at least some of the homeless and extremely poor could have a meal. But of course said restaurants would rather make more money by selling it instead, even if it doesn't get eaten.

Really though, I don't think there's a solution when it comes down to it. Because it'd require everyone to change their beliefs and practices, and that's hard to do unless your country's run by a dictator or something. Things may possibly change at some point if we teach our kids that other things have more value than money and that if you're gonna get money you ought to work for it, but it's not gonna be an overnight thing regardless.

P.S. Even if you can't fix everything, don't let that stop you from trying. If you can only help one person in your lifetime, that's still better than not helping anyone.
Judas Rabbi
2006-06-13 15:34:32 UTC
Your always going to have povery in the world. The government's that excepts the donations keep it in their pockets and only give a small portion th the people who need it
Lakin J
2006-06-12 07:01:03 UTC
Man, this is going to sound selfish! but It's real hard for me to look at the problems in other countries before we feed/help all that live in America first.

Also, coming from your average girl that's not all "up" on world affairs;It's very overwhelming to even think it's possible. I guess that's why I can't look past fixing the US first.
2006-06-11 21:04:10 UTC
When I took sociology class at UC Berkeley, my professor (Dr. Edwards) stated that there are no solutions only those crosses we are willing to bear. These goals are noble and worthy to pursue but WILL NEVER BE ACHIEVED. Your statements are awfully strong; "solutions" "ending" "eradicating".. All I hope to do is to improve the situation.
2006-06-11 13:59:01 UTC
Seriously stop paying 7 million dollars per album to singers....Stop paying football players 6 million....Stop giving so many people more money than the next 3 generations of their families know what to do with. Ugh...I can't even go on with this post because it just irks me so bad that.....either way, Somebody needs to quit wasting money frivolously, spend it on something useful other than themselves and the damn government needs to start using the peoples' hard earned money for something other than to line their pockets.....
2014-10-27 17:19:59 UTC
For education the United Nations should come up with a long term plan to open schools everywhere. It costs money to do this but this may be the cheapiest ways.
2006-06-12 04:26:34 UTC
110 Parliamentarians are putting a petition before parliament of india. It consist total solution for poorty.

Petition demand minimum birth economic right for each voter.

Same as Corporations Limited by shares distribute dividend among shareholders. Now it is time to demand for cash right in state income, instead of welfare in form of kind or services.

In the age of Sc. and Tech. musscle power is being replaced by buldozers and brain power is being replaced by computer. It is not possibe to give employment to every citizens.

Conditional living was time of stone age, now it is time to share GDP produced by machines equal among citizens.

It is seen, world wide, total GDP consist more then 80% machine share and less then 20% manual share.

Machanical share must be distributed equaly.

Minimun political right in form of vote was a revolution on plenet earth, it is time of II revolution, "demand of minimum financial right in form of currancy."

For further details u may contact :

Mr. Bharat Gandhi, New Delhi INDIA

Ph 09818433422
2006-06-11 18:49:07 UTC
First off we need to shake out the White House like a filthy old rug. and get rid of all the political electees that are ruining America.Start fresh with new minds. who don't act like little crying babies about who done this and who's doing that. what a bunch of old hens we have bickering about nothing that anyone gives a **** about.Who cares about oil? who gives a **** about BIN LADEN. he's no threat to us.he's just a nother puppet that George Bush has working for him.Lets get new faces in office.
2006-06-11 18:29:04 UTC
Extreme capitalism. The entire world suffered in greater agony than today for virtually all of our existence, until capitalism enters the scene -- 200 years ago, a result of the enlightenment.
2006-06-12 18:43:41 UTC
where to begin?

* Democracies and Stable Governments must first be in place.

*First world nations must adopt a debt forgiveness pledge.

*Next the countries will require lots of capital in order create state sponsered health and education programs.

This is a far as i get, i havent figured out how to create enough capital internally without loans to create a self suffienct government plan.

Education is very key but at the same time disease and hunger must be addressed.
2006-06-12 16:14:00 UTC
Well, i'm stuck on trying to figure out what you said. Big words ol' boy. ♥ Ok well if it's about making things cheaper then the prices should just be lowered. Sorry I'm not a thinker but it sounds like you're trying to help and help in the slightest bit is a good thing. ♥
2006-06-12 10:21:22 UTC
Well, it looks like you have plenty to read already so I'll just say this; I think we should start by getting rid of Bush. The most powerful man in the world should CARE about the world and everyone in it!
2006-06-12 01:36:29 UTC
Most poor people in africa have a real opportunity to grow organic crops. they require the least amount of farm inputs and they have a higher return than crops grown with fertilizers and chemicals. Markets need to be opened up and education and QC programs put in place though to help achieve this
2006-06-11 11:50:59 UTC
Our Government should stop paying our farmers from growing lower yields in wheat, corn, soybean. They do this so we can justifiably pay $3 for a loaf of bread and more for other food. We should grow all we can and sell our surplus to starving nations or give it for that manner and the farmers be paid by our government for that instead of us giving money to poor countries for relief just give it out in food and let our government pay our farmers. Both Rep and Dem both subsidize our farmers and we end up paying in the long run.
terry v
2006-06-11 11:35:58 UTC
I'm sorry, but there are not enough resources to end extreme poverty. If you ended it in one place it would crop up somewhere else. Look at it as an opportunity to help and nothing else. Don't let your vision sway you from helping someone, anyone, anytime.
2006-06-12 13:03:33 UTC
Well, firstly we need to decide if people earning only $2 / day can support themselves with that. Here in Sri Lanka, most people could manage with that - so no need to offer solutions for a non existing problem. Secondly we need to let the nature and the cultures take their own free course!

These ideas of eradicating global poverty is nothing but a quasi Communist/imperialistic idea proposed by Capitalists. I am not lost here. What objective yard stick have we got to decide what poverty is? How have we verified it? Can it be proved scientifically to yield the same result ? What is the defenition of poverty? Really there is no answer. I tell you what happens here. This is from my own experience -

Western people come to rural areas in so called 3rd world. compare their own buying power with that of natives. Then say that "Essentials" like medical facilities, pure water, telephones, TV etc *which are important to the Westerner in his life, but to which the rural bumpkin pays no attention* are beyond reach. Now they introduce schemes to drag the rural man in to Westerners own needs and to consumer society. It it works, then it is called DEVELOPMENT, if failed, called POVERTY!!!

For people in some parts of world who care not for silly statistics of Life expectancy, IMR, MMR, etc., - They have to be "Educated" in one honest truth that Western Standards are the only fair and just and God approved ones. If your lifestyle or income does not conform to that - Hey You are a stupid country yolel and need education. *Just what the Missionaries do, except they destroy cultures and religions + above - obviously the most harmful variety of Global do gooders.

Why can we just not leave othes as they are? African kids are dying for the need of water. So we give water. Now we have no plan to sustain them with jobs, education, medical facilities, food, housing, recreation etc. etc. just that we force them to live longer in misery! Can we not let nature and the Africans solve their matters themselves? If the aid organisations (which spend upto 60% donation money on 4x4 motors and air con offices and salaries for their Western staff) succeed in their mission of making every child born live upto ripe age of, say 50 years, how do we feed the world? Is there any solution to manage waste? can we fight diseases and epidemics?

really it is another silly idea from the West, like Saving the Heretics from Hell (by converting in to Christianity) in the past centuries, this time around we want to Save Poor from Starving! Anyone who can not buy a TV set must be made to pay for it. We believe not in societies and cultures seeking their own way. We have defined Poverty, we have the Solution and, with missionary zeal - We shall implement it! God Bless.
2006-06-12 15:57:27 UTC
well, we could stop paying the football, basketball, hockey etc. players millions of dollars to shoot hoops and score goals. Also, we could stop building billion dollar buildings. That's only a few of the ways we could end poverty.
2006-06-12 14:31:16 UTC
Well, the strong foundation is a good start to success, the right people for the job leads to great communication and organization--

then put solid teams together send to these countries to teach basics, planting, farming, personal hygiene and education-my question is we have groups doing this why is it getting worse? are there to many restrictions?
2006-06-12 09:30:18 UTC
I have 1 idea. Just 1. You can help raise money to donate to an organization so they can help people all around the world.
2006-06-12 06:13:35 UTC
i personally think that after 30 yuears to come everyone in this world will be jobless, n due to this poverty will increase in the country. my ideas on helping todays generation is that there should be good social services around the world so that people wont have to move from one area to another for medical services, good schools, jobs n etc. n also that companys such as addidas n nike should be prohibited from using child labour to prodyuce goods for them at a very low price coz this endangers the lives of the next generation extremely which wil get worst in the years to come. people n children shud be encouraged to go to school n gain education so as to get good jobs when they grow up n also to help the countrys economy to grow too. n poverty will also disappear in this way.there shud be more employment avenues so that people get jobs easily n not remain jobless. farmers i different countries shud be trained to grow crops well n preserve sum of it so as to help the country while it is going through famine tpo.

also that in the less economically developed countries, there are less people who r educated such as doctors are less to care for the population size, children keep on dying before their 1st birth date due to dieseases n bubonic plague. due to all these effects, the country then undergoes through many problems. also that due to many birth n death rates, the life expectancy is lower in the less economically developed countries due to dieseases such as cholera,malaria, aids/hiv which is very difficult to be cured n most people donot afford to treat themselves nm therefore they lose hope to live a long life oo. thre are many effects amongst which i have mentioned. (for more information do not hasistate to ask)
Greg W
2006-06-11 20:49:03 UTC
We have too many high sounding words and too few actions that correspond to them. -Abigail Adams

Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action comes stop thinking and go in. -Napolean Bonaparte

The fact of the matter is that we have the resources we must implement an effective supply chain and administrative system to oversee the operation
2006-06-11 18:43:06 UTC
I'm not sorry to say - But, contribution, assistance, feeding the poor, housing, medical....

Begins at Home!

We must take care of the United States of American BEFORE we venture out to other countries!

What About Our Struggling!

Love begins with ourselves, as giving begins at home!
xxtra chocolate
2006-06-12 17:41:50 UTC
People, step out of your dream worlds. Poverty will never end, the human race is too greedy.
2006-06-12 15:21:31 UTC
Sincerely, I believe that those who are holding most of the world's currency in their own bank accounts (billionaires) are extremely selfish. Those who own large corporations around the world could most definately afford to give significant raises to all of their employees, even those on the very bottom.
2006-06-12 06:12:24 UTC
First we rid ourselves of every governing force throughout the world, then poverty will naturally dissipate at a high rate of speed.
2006-06-11 16:11:23 UTC
This might sound silly but I believe that the bartering system really worked well back then. And why not today? It wont solve the problem but at least it will provide some relief to certain people agreeable to this system.
Flower Girl
2006-06-12 19:47:29 UTC
Why do we keep supporting the people who don't need to be supported? Cut the state and federal benebfits and make people get jobs. I am tired of taking care of people who are perfectly capable of working, just to lazy or drug addicted to do so. When we quit supporting all the deadbeats we can take care of the truly needy.
2006-06-12 19:33:49 UTC
We should stop providing food and medicine that way the third world poor will die, that is the only solution cause they breed like rabbits and have their hand out all the time
Via Bruce
2006-06-12 14:34:07 UTC
We should start with the basics: EDUCATION

Education in the most basic subjects like agricultural, soil and water conservation, animal husbandry, hunting, trapping, fishing, etc. Teach people to be self sufficient instead of society dependent. People should learn a desire to gather at the market instead of a desire to gather at the trough.
Amy P
2006-06-12 12:07:22 UTC
Abolish the world's armies and spend all that excess money on education and health care for the world's children. Then our next leaders would be well equipped to carry on.
2006-06-12 12:00:57 UTC
I think that people need to stop competing with the Joneses,,we really don't need the best of the best,,but I believe that our politics that keep on saying we are doing it for the people,,well really,,their pockets are gettin fuller,,the rich are gettin richer,,the middle class are being the poor,,the poor will eventually disappear,,the people really ought to start working together and put people in ,that really DO care !!!
2006-06-10 11:51:35 UTC
rich people money and all politicians money is to be seized by the army and the salary structure is to be changed labour money in asian countries is very low and a officer is paid highly the ratio of labour is to be brought higher so every single man can live atleast a general. this can only be done by a great dictators democracy can't do it .It is failed in asian courntries they are doing very little and it will take generation to change.
2006-06-12 20:02:24 UTC
have people with different job related skills teach these people how to work and build communities and to survive. Turn the land into a farming area to grow different types of food for starters. Give them tools for food, medicine, proper hygiene, and work ethics with education when young.
sweet & sour
2006-06-12 18:18:29 UTC
If you look at the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina you can tell that we have our own problems that we need to deal with before we can help any one else. Middle class Americans work hard and still can't afford health care.
2014-07-15 16:24:21 UTC
We here in this blessed country take things for granted all to often and to see the sincere abundace of gratitude was overwhelming to say the least. What we brought was not much to our standards but was priceless to the people we gave to and that was overwhelming also.
2006-06-12 14:24:04 UTC
Stop rewarding people for being in extreme poverty by supplying them with aid and welfare...this only encourages more poverty and longer lapses into it.
2006-06-12 09:45:37 UTC
Lets stop pretending that we can. Or that todays situation isn't the norm historically. Or that we have evolved into some kind of advanced society capable of effecting the horrible policies of other nations leaders.
2006-06-11 18:39:22 UTC
Everybody needs to pitch in and do their part.

It can be community service, donating money or educating others on this global problem. Many people can do one or more things to help. Bringing this issue to light is another problem. We need to make this important and in the spotlight. It is largely ignored and forgotten.
2006-06-12 18:05:07 UTC
If you believe in the Bible and if you're realistic you'll know that poverty will never end. No matter what you try to do or how clever your ideas are.
2006-06-12 06:20:16 UTC
As a philosopher, I am a realist that normally nothing happens until I die. However, given the dire circumstances of the world, I am pressing to help things change.

1.) 25 year detailed statistical plan for every nation by 36 key indicators-

- lists how many schools, how many hospitals, how many cars to be reduced, how many jobs from 2005 to 2025

2.) detailed reform plan for the UN charter

-Unless the UN gets a treasury and a clear permanent military set of organs, it will remain hamstrung and unable to fulfil its role

3.) Key Universal Declarations to fulfil UN role of moral leadership

Universal Declaration on Privacy and Security

Universal Declaration on Food and Drugs

Universal Declaration on Bioethics

Universal Declaration on Knowledge

Universal Declaration on Money and Wealth

Universal Declaration on Happy Community Living

4.) 6 revised constitutions to provide a complete integrated Union of states network that embody the spirit and inspiration of the UN and the world

5.) 36 advanced low cost technology breakthroughs for improving transport and mass transit as well as housing including

- air powered cars

- water pushed "tube" train transport

- underground dwelling design

6.) Advanced symbolic language capable of providing accelerated learning to millions with minimal time and cost

- helps cure learning difficulties

- will revolutionize education in poor nations


Frank O'Collins
2006-06-12 00:04:03 UTC
Justice for all on a global scale. And that would be possible when most if not all of the world's population beleive that it's not only possible but is also a will of 'the only God' almighty. I do.
2006-06-12 12:15:39 UTC
everything moves and end with money

money buy education which is going to teach 3rd world countries how to fish by themselves.

so lets ask and let the expert to manage the money and all resources bee dsitribute equally. not those thieft who behind a name calll organization
2006-06-12 02:42:28 UTC
One simple thing:--- divert for at least two years the total budget spent on NASA to helping these countries. that should do. In turn they should repay the amount spend when they have made enough budgetary surpluses
shiny and late
2006-06-11 12:27:14 UTC
In some countries, two dollars is a lot. You can make water filtering straws for 7 cents. CHEAPO
2006-06-15 06:46:11 UTC
Stop the Green Revolution.
thomas d
2006-06-12 15:17:30 UTC
lets take care pf our people right here in the USA doc, we have hungry people living in our backyards. lets stop worrying about the rest of the world and do somethings to help our own. ps, most of these people hate our guts anyway so screw them all.

Tom, a united states citizen
2006-06-12 12:01:52 UTC
The first thing that needs to be done is to convince those who suffer from "extreme poverty" to stop procreating until they can feed themselves as well as their children.
2006-06-12 01:33:05 UTC
Just what can we do? We can't do nothing more then what were doing now, like donating money, food etc. Instead of asking this question here, why dont try asking local govt's on your area and talk it over with mr stupid bushwhack!
2006-06-10 15:50:29 UTC
Give them a proper economy and get rid of the dollar (dreadful currency) and wipe out India, China and most of Africa - that's the way!
2006-06-12 19:19:19 UTC
i guess the main concern is how can we eliminate greed! greed in every sense of the word!! and if we think we are capable of diminishing such trait must be an acomplishment!! and when you can confidently say poverty wouldnt not be a problem!! is a fulfillment...

you decide...
2006-06-12 15:05:08 UTC
Kill the poor,they give nothing and take everything.Scrap social payouts and scrap council housing.If you cant afford to eat then starve,if you cant afford to heat yourself then die in the cold.It is a dog eat dog world and that is the way it should be.
2006-06-11 21:23:28 UTC
Projects that have been successful operate on the local level to inspire local action, water, schools, trading locally, development of local small businesses, etc.
2006-06-11 15:15:23 UTC
So many times we become selfish too-much that we snatch the others opportunity which can establish them well to live a smooth and satisfied life, we must drop this habit to support the poo rs.
2006-06-12 11:47:13 UTC
Wow. This is like a Miss Universe Pageant question.
2006-06-12 09:59:37 UTC
We must find a way to feed the world effectively, and cheaply.

No politician or human endeavor will ever make everyone rich, fully employed, or prosperous. What we can do is develop protien rich food sources for a minimal cost. If we must be animal-based, and I think it is necessary, I hope we can find an efficient way to create animal protien and a humane way to harvest the meat. Please please, ......humanely.
2006-06-11 22:56:28 UTC
That will never and I repeat never happen. My thanks to the governments that waste billions of dollars on their whims and wants and dont give a crap about how the lower 95% have to struggle every frigging day of their lives just to make ends meet.

How much of our "tax" money is enough for them? It makes me sick to think about!!!!!!!
2006-06-11 18:43:59 UTC
There's only ONE thing you can do to help the poor:


I fight poverty, I WORK! I try to eradicate MY poverty. You can't eradicate anyone elses poverty, that's their responsibility, unless you suffer from a fatal case of WHITE MAN'S GUILT.

How can we expect those inferior races to eradicate their own poverty?

How racist!
2006-06-12 14:07:48 UTC
Education, free and for everyone is key to end poverty
Miguel Alejo B
2006-06-12 07:28:51 UTC
My idea is:at the same time,redistribution of wealthiness,education,health,fill,all the basic necessities.since there we can go up,and up,and up to the infinity.there is going to take long .but i think is the best think one can try to do for he best of the human race.anyway we can talk a lot about these theme.greetings.Mr.sachs
2006-06-12 02:28:30 UTC
i recon control on the population of the world or in particular of the countries where they are producing babies then they should.

Stop donating on Charities, if you really want to do charities give to the needed people directly not with some org.
2006-06-11 22:36:09 UTC
I believe it should start here at home.

There are tons of people dealing with poverty and hunger in the streets of America.

When we fight this fight in our backyards first, we could then discuss the fight in our fellow countries.
2006-06-11 22:06:44 UTC
There is enough to go around if you could end the greed in the world. Good luck!
2006-06-11 19:22:20 UTC
To begin with, the solution will not come from one side only- there must be a willingness to listen and to cooperate from both ends of the issue, and poor countries, as much as they have a right to get help also have to compromise on giving their best to make it work.

As for suggestions: Since I'm most familiar with Latin America, I will refer to my observations there.

On one hand, by letting each country concentrate on what they can produce best ( and paying fair prices for their products ). Limiting farming subsidies in richer countries in order to help poorer countries. Lending technological assistance to third world countries to maximise production , quality, and diversification of their products. In other words, to be able to sell products with added value that will meet market demands. To maximise production in agriculture I think it is practical to encourage cooperativisation- Many Latin American countries went through "reformas agrarias" during the last century, i.e. large areas of land were taken from landowners if they were not in production in order to distribute the land to needy farmers. This has only resulted in small subsistence farming, producing little or no surplus and leaving these families at the mercy of weather conditions. They have no help from government, no way to buy fertilizers and almost no way of selling the little surpluss they may have. By getting farmers to work as a cooperative with other farmers, it is easier to buy the tools and fertilizers needed, there is more clout at the moment of marketing their product and there is a possibility of making by products through careful re-investing. I strongly feel this way when it comes to Quinoa, in the Bolivian highlands, for example: Here is a high quality cereal unique to this area with great marketing possibilities if they could only optimise their production.

On the other hand, educating women. Not that long ago, it was common in the very poor families for a girl to leave school to help mom take care of her siblings, while her brothers continued in school ( for not that much longer though ) and sometimes boys have been favoured over girls for any scholarship program that might be avaliable. To me, this is a big mistake. With the growing number of single mother families she ( the mother) is not only in charge of feeding, educating and clothing her children, she can only set an example as far as her education goes. Fortunately I notice a growing trend all over Latin America, statistically more women are getting a higher education . We will not see the results of this trend for another 5 or 10 years, though. These are only two of so many things that have to be done alas. As many other posters mentioned above, we see a huge emphasis on making money, but not in actually making a better life for people. I see so many people spend ridiculous amounts of money on fashion trends, on the latest gadget ( because the one they bought 9 months ago is "obsolete") and other things they really don't need , and the saddest part is that I can't blame them, the whole economic system we live in is based on churning out merchandise, marketing it in a way that makes us feel we NEED the latest fashion/gadget/orwhatever, and the worst part of it is that most of that stuff ends up shortly in the garbage, creating another growing problem: pollution. Maybe it is time to start stressing good quality and durability over passing trends. Maybe its time to teach our youth to get their kicks from something more outlasting than the latest Pumas.
2006-06-11 14:06:23 UTC
Send supplies of food in poor areas and build the people's houses yourself with help. give them that kind of stuff for free then one day when they earn money they can pay you for your effort.

Then it will give the country a quick start to end poorness.
Aaron A
2006-06-11 12:34:29 UTC
Impeaching Bush

Disbanning and outlawing multinational corporations

Alternative energy sources

attacking the arrogance, ignorance, and greed of businesses
2006-06-15 11:57:35 UTC
2006-06-12 07:28:50 UTC
Will Humanity ever attain such purity to get rid of poverty?
2006-06-16 06:57:02 UTC
Eliminate wars and armies. Imagine how much money is being wasted daily on killing each other. That money could be put to a much better use.
2006-06-12 14:23:58 UTC
Do away with any measurable methods of gauging wealth! There will always be poor, because there will always rich! - blame it on the 80's greed is good crowd...
2006-06-12 17:35:10 UTC
we need more veggie farmers, more cattle ranchers

supply and demand are not balanced right.

at least that way we could feed all of the hungry people in the

u.s.a. and some of the other countries as well..

government subsidized farms.
Yogi Bruce
2006-06-12 15:43:34 UTC
It's impossible Doc--but for an accident of birth I'm not one of them. I feed myself, family, friends and others when I can and try to be a good example for others. That's about all one man can do.
2006-06-12 12:51:14 UTC
"In olden times, people were religious, and their harvests were abundant; at present, on the contrary, they are scanty.

If you want to reap an abundant harvest you must not work on Sunday, for Sunday you must go to Church and pray to God to forgive your sins. He gave you six days in which to work and one for rest and devotion and to tender your help to the poor and assist the Church."

That is to say, if we spent one day of our week assisting the poor, I believe poverty would end. work hard, be at peace

Thank you for hearing me amoung the many who have spoken
2006-06-12 11:37:09 UTC
I think donating has to be more encouraged and advertised by our government. If people were more educated about poverty (by television, radio, newspaper, etc.) people would be more encouraged to donate.
2006-06-11 15:39:38 UTC
End the tribal them versus us mentality. Embrace all humanity as one people. Accept personal responsibility and accountability.
2006-06-12 11:21:32 UTC
first, nations that are currupt and poor must realize they got themselves into that condition.

Second. Those nations must revise tax codes to stimulate business and eliminate curruption

Third. there needs to be a "economic" peace corps

Fourth Small microloans need to be given to individuals and not government entities.
2006-06-12 01:34:13 UTC
End corruption and outsource funds from highly industrialized countries to underdeveloped countries in a bi-partisan relationship that both countries should agree with...
2006-06-11 16:55:09 UTC
The first step is to get the me generation to quit thinking about me and thinking about what they should do to help people
Alag N
2006-06-11 13:02:57 UTC
increase the value of money two to three fold for those who would earn from such strata. in a couple of years there should be some equality!
2006-06-12 15:05:23 UTC
do not let anyone spend your money....We must find a way to control where our donations, and taxes are going, we must be able to see it working first hand, People will give, people are the root.., but we dont trust anyone, cause we have all been burned.

A system to allow a percentage of your taxes to or donations, to be tracked, or for you to invest for them, who ever it might be,...basicallly we need to get involved and we will if we trust it will satisfy our needs
mark h
2006-06-11 18:13:43 UTC
I would be great to wave a magic wand and make it all better but, bottom line is we can't help those who don't wish to help themselves. Education, Training, and Resources would be the key for those who do wish to succeed.
2006-06-11 15:57:36 UTC
who's effort? somebody does something!?

great forces should stop colonizing the rest of the world and educate poor ones so they could run their countries better
2006-06-11 13:06:19 UTC
Stop putting money into this stupid war and do something productive with the cash that we have.

Like helping people get on their feet.
2006-06-11 11:23:04 UTC
Make the rich donate to the poor countries if their income exceeds a certain amount. :) It would be like a "special tax" on their paychecks.

Am I too naive? :P
2006-06-12 06:23:35 UTC
We have turned into a greed and ego driven (billionaires), phony, self-centered, self-serving nation. However, we should keep our noses out of other countries problems, cultures and lifestyles.
2006-06-11 20:33:45 UTC
a good start would be is to have people from wealthy countries give money to third world countries not a ton but enough.
The Guru®
2006-06-11 11:11:25 UTC
Charity begins at home..I strongly believe that that the other half well to do ppl..collectively can make a change.
2006-06-11 21:55:08 UTC
love the picture,you fancy yourself as some founder of a great movement.your whole demeanor reaks of ego.try solving a small problem and don't get caught,then you might be onto something.
2006-06-11 11:45:04 UTC
Jesus said that "you will always have the poor with you." But He also said to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and take care of "the least of these." Following the teachings of Christ will solve any problem. =)
2006-06-12 13:55:07 UTC
i have no ideas, i am illiterate when it comes to economics. but i wish you luck, if you can find a way to end poverty, that may make the road easier for me to accomplish my life goal--finding a way to end genocide.
2006-06-12 20:08:07 UTC
I just think of Heinrich Pestalozzi and positive thinking mixed with

technology and invesment
2006-06-11 21:35:04 UTC
People need jobs, and day care for their children.

There needs to be economic incentive for corporations to hire people and give them the healh insurance and day care at their worksite.
As I am
2006-06-13 03:43:34 UTC
Stop charity...the mess begins there...look at Africa...they are just lying around for someone to dole out all the time....
2006-06-12 11:55:11 UTC

I think slowing down the birthrate would be the best thing to slowing down poverty in these countries! Wrap that puppy!
2006-06-12 14:48:40 UTC
rich countries should share their wealth to poor countries without vested interest and convince the world bank to let go of these poor countries' foreign debts!!!
2006-06-12 13:02:26 UTC
wouldn't it be nice if our tax money was actually put to good use? Its such a shame that we Americans spend money on dog food before we can put food in the mouths of our children......
2006-06-11 11:18:20 UTC
Heavy death tax from which the proceeds go to social programs.

Mandatory military or charitable service term.

Punish white collar crime.
Bullwinkle Moose
2006-06-12 03:33:10 UTC
You are the professor in the ivory tower. What are your ideas that do not involve redistribution of wealth?
2006-06-11 12:41:47 UTC
Conquer religion, encourage birth control.
2006-06-17 09:58:32 UTC
Poverty can be removed automatically, if people, who has any kind of power, can remove their selfish nature.
2006-06-12 17:58:19 UTC
2006-06-11 11:49:42 UTC
old idea, best solution.-- take care of the people here at home first then share the wealth.
julia e
2006-06-11 19:53:58 UTC
Simple Answer...Spread Democracy and Capitalism. :)
unknown u
2006-06-12 03:56:30 UTC
become vegan and try to live in accordance to nature. incredible amounts of energy, food and clean water are going to be saved. read. think. think again. change your mind. before it's too late..
2006-06-11 23:37:17 UTC
115 answers so far. Some had some good ideas and points.

First off there is different types of poverty. Even in the most advanced nations. Solutions for both are very different. Various nations suffer from different problems which again require different solutions. As pointed out by a couple other people poverty is of course relitive but I am pretty sure the poverty you wish to fight has nothing to do with wealth accumulation but more with a basic declaration of minium standard of life acceptable. That is the viewpoint I will address this with.

I suggest as a declaration something along these lines.

People have a right to eat. No one should die of starvation in this world today.

People have a right to clean water.

People should die neither of heat or cold nor exposure to the elements. People have a right to at least minimal shelter.

People have a right to freedom from corruption and tyranny. It is from these two sources most of the world's woes spring forth.

People have a right to medical care.

Now on to particulers.

MLD_Lexington was excellent in the analysis of the key problems.

Almost all third world nations have the following problems:

1 - corrupt governments or religious leaders getting in the way of progress

2 - domestic conflicts (i.e. coups, tribal wars that lasts for generations, domestic terrorism)

3 - lack of jobs and education

4 - natural disasters distroying infrastructures every year

5 - over population

As you can see for 1 and 2 there are often no viable solutions for outsiders. Depose the Gov and often all sides of the conflict will come together just long enough to oppose you then go back to fighting soon as outside "help" leaves. You can preach only a set of values and the cause and effect of them. Those that continue to live in corrupt nations or nations of constant war will see poverty, starvation and disease no matter what you do.

Over population is harder to address. Many poor cultures super charge poverty by having large families. There are two causes of this. The first a culture that sees a man's manhood measured by the quanity of offspring sired. This is typical of most third world cultures. The second is high mortality rates/need to depend on children when they get older. Since retirement plans do not exist most third people need their children and relitives to survive when they are unable to work. They also count on them to help in the family business and hope that thorugh marriage or other events that the family wealth will be increased.

So you have two major issues to conquer there. The dispelling of the manhood measurement of sireing lots of children and some sort of retirement that does not involve living off of the children.

Then you have secondary issues. The Catholic church in particuler has done the world a massive disservice with it's opposition to birth control. It has the blood of millions on it's hands with that stupidity.

Natural disasters are not really a big deal if you address the other issues.

Jobs and education are solvable problems if you can get corruption out of the way. The key is a flowing economy that doesn't choke certain nations. Big corps are a big problem with this. However you also have to factor in the environment. No point watching develop nations trash their environment like the industrialized nations did in ignorance.

Self sufficiency is the only reasonable answer. Charity on a grand scale or consistant basis is worse than bombing a nation. It destroys their sense of self worth, ambition, independence and ability to contribute back to the world. Those who want to tax or just give mass quanities of money would do less harm if they walked around randomly shooting people in afflicted nations.

However giving them technology that solves problems is the teaching a man to fish kind of solution. There is still a real resistance to change. People always did it one way so they will not want to change. The other aspect is things like giving tractors to people who cannot buy gas. They make nice law ornaments but do not help with self sufficiency. Aid has to make sense and has to be without developing dependancies to work.

So my suggestion would be this.

First develop a plan for the major types of afflicted nations. (For example Islamic nations, African nations, SE Asia, Former Soviet republics) that took into account cultural and political issues. The plan would be one of freeing them of tyranny and corruption through education and media attacks on the establishments that grind them into poverty.

The second step will be how will the nation survive those first crucial years of destabalization when the current tyrants are gone. Alot can be learned from the fall of the USSR, Chech republic and whats going on in Iraq right now. Those kinds of things need to be avoided. Democracy is the only form of Gov that has lead to real freedom and the ability to fight poverty so far. Instilling Democracy doesn't gaurentee anything. Even Democracies can be tyranical. So fighting corruption is just as crucial.

Next developing channels of capital and finding those with ability and means to make good use of it. Loans which when paid back will go to financing another venture in the same or the next target nation.

Development of cheap effective desalination. It is the best way to get good clean water to many nations. It will provide irrigation, drinking, bathing water.

Farming techniques to improve food production. Modifaction of diets to crops that grow well in the area. For example potatoes were an answer to European famines. The extent that the simple tater fought off starvation can be seen in the Potatoe blight that struck Ireland in the 1800s. Potatoes are a hardy crop, very nutritious, easy to grow. Add it to the diets of many areas and you can instantly bolster food production.

Fighting desertfication is very important to Africa and the Middle East. Human's are the blame for thier own woes to a great extent in some of these areas. Good cheap dealination with pipelines in from the oceans can do a great deal to help fight this and to reclaim some of these deserts.

Exporting hardier breeds of animals can also do a great deal to help. It might be the Longhorn will be just as valuable to say African's as it was in the South West before technology made it possible to raise less hardy but more profitable breeds. Maybe it's Emus. There are solutions if we look that will improve the diet of people on the constant edge of starvation and that will help them get to fed.
2006-06-11 14:31:07 UTC
To end poverty, you must ban money.
2014-10-03 14:22:29 UTC
70 would be nonwhite

30 would be white

70 would be non-Christian

30 would be Christian

89 would be heterosexual
2006-06-12 16:18:19 UTC
Development of GOOD EDUCATIONAL and HEALTH SYSTEMS. And support the creation of SMALL and MEDIUM ENTERPRISES instead of long years of employment.
2006-06-12 00:58:58 UTC
mArQuiTa ChiKa
2006-06-12 14:27:14 UTC

2006-06-11 12:33:22 UTC
eradicate graft and corruption in all governments around the world.
2006-06-12 11:28:59 UTC
instead of dropping nuclear bombs, drop food bombs...a giant missle full of food would open and fly all around the world and give everyone food and water! :D
2006-06-11 11:41:46 UTC
Efficient and honest government
mike g
2006-06-17 00:21:17 UTC
first we need to stop poverty in america how can we help others if we cant help ourselves ?
Timeless - watcher
2006-06-12 10:02:32 UTC
Education for all.

Attitude transformation.
2006-06-12 01:12:18 UTC
most people dont have good education. most people lost theire ways in thire lifes. we should teach them that earth is reach and believe in themselves and love. we should help this people and tell them that poor is lie. ( earth is reach).

we should help eachother.
2006-06-11 11:01:04 UTC
obliterate extreme religion issues.

religion should work for you, not work against you.

but in this case this already loses before the fight begins.
Peter in La Jolla San Diego CA
2006-06-12 14:00:20 UTC
We're spending way too damn much on a failed new Vietnam, Iraq!
2006-06-11 23:03:10 UTC
government try to provide lumpsome money to its employer so that they are able to live according to some standard
2006-06-11 15:04:58 UTC
Stop being so selfish and give a lil
2006-06-11 15:58:54 UTC
force people to give money to chairity, the government should make 10% of their money to chairty.
2006-06-11 17:31:11 UTC
i think think the un should go and start more industries in the most povertized areas. this will bring jobs!!
2006-06-11 13:31:20 UTC
andmy question back toyou dr is how much $$ are you personally donating due to this advertz. your doing here on YA.........i went to your site.....and you profit from advertz ang. jolie on your front page.......

this site is not for personal gain.....
2006-06-12 09:24:23 UTC
End works every time it is tried.
2006-06-11 17:14:37 UTC
release the black plague, drop the population by half. that'll do the trick.
2006-06-11 13:42:15 UTC
nothing can be done that hasn't already been tried. poor people shouldn't be having children. mass sterilization is our only hope.
2006-06-11 12:48:29 UTC
Nothing. There are too many people and not enough supplies.
2006-06-12 10:12:36 UTC
... act right in general and the rest will follow
2006-06-12 13:19:05 UTC
2006-06-11 22:13:51 UTC
You and your rich Doctor friends should do more pro-bono work.
2006-06-11 23:39:25 UTC
i would join hands with the organizations already working for it.
2006-06-16 23:18:37 UTC
the government should bann beggary...the should initiate more education schools
proud of it
2006-06-11 18:45:52 UTC
absolutely nothing because the bible says that we will always have the poor among us
2006-06-12 10:07:10 UTC
go to albion and get a good education
2006-06-11 15:28:30 UTC
honestly, i think that people need to slow down on the breeding...
2006-06-12 10:15:27 UTC
third world child sponsorship.
2006-06-12 09:35:52 UTC
2006-06-12 19:21:02 UTC
wow! good question and I will enjoy reading the answer!
2006-06-11 12:09:57 UTC

Tell all the fat greedy people in the world, that they should show compassion and share.

lower the inflated prices of pharmaceuticals, and medical care for old and disabled people, restrict the illegal immagrants so they will not use the funds we need to feed and help the legal americans.

Give to your church and take advantage of tax deductions and have yard sales and donate to Goodwill.

randome acts of kindness daily, prevent rediculous law suits, make everyone pay school tax and county tax, not just home owners,

when an animal dies on the road (in the winter), give it to poor for food.

Give people kits to filter gas/oil so they can use old used McDonald's oil for their cars...

volunteer in your community and look out for your neibors..


buy from your local venders and farmers instead of an American vehicle.

read labels of everything you buy and make sure they don't catch fish with nets, use animals for testing, ubuse animals in processing, abuse human rights for the workers in their factories, and buy from the murchants who donate to causes, buy from the local fire company BBQ instead of going to a Berger King,.

Teach YOUR children and tutor them in their schoolwork, know the teachers, know the kids friends, keep them home especially at night, save for their college early (at birth). Plan parenthood, teach abstinence, Preventing uneducated ignorance enables more world leaders, activists, and great minds to find answers for change...don't let them fall into drugs and drop out.

Poverty is from (I believe) imbalance and ignorance.

If we are all educated and aware of the world around us we all can do many things to help the world so there will be no poverty.

We need to keep the rich from getting richer and allow the poor and the middle class to profit from their hard work and not be used and abused. People need to know that if they do not follow the guidelines of morality, we will not buy from them. then people in other parts of the world will work and earn a good wage, jobs will be available for everyone and at prices affordable and the resources of the world will not be wasted.

We can pick apples in the yard and animals will be available in the wild and in the waters, pollution will clear up eventually, and the world can flourish. we all volunteer and help eachother, churches will have funding, and can help when we can't, and compassion will grow.

why don't all the filthy rich people like Trump use their private jets to ship some food overseas to people who starve?

we spent TRILLIONS of dollars killing people in the war over terrorism, if the war is necessary..... then it SHOULD be illegal to profit by it.....especially if there is a conflict of interrest...Mr Bush who did not bother to control the fuel prices.....

I educate, donate, and volunteer daily and so do my children who are vegetarians...(this may not be for all people, but this is what I chose to do and my children made their own mind to not eat meat.) I eat chicken all the time....they were tired of eating meat that was not killed right and the thaught of it being dead for a week, before they ate it, made them sick...fresh live chickens go into a chicken factory...out comes the electronicly deboned chicken franks...think about it.

what about the sports men and women who make 7 Million dollars a year! will you miss one?

I believe in Democracy and those who work hard should be paid more and usually we work years till we pay for our college, anyway there should be a moral responsability to go with higher income. If you are in charge or people under you...wouldn't you be sure they were treated fairly? paid fairly? I would.

I asked a woman who needed a job if she would clean for me and she said yes. I work a lot and I support 5 people, I need some help. I am not married either. She said she would work for 8 dollars an hour. I knew she had 5 children and could not speak English well. I knew the house cleaners make $15 an hour around my home...I told her I would pay her $15 an hour. she was a good help to me and I also helped her...this is responsable Democracy. when I had something I did not want anymore or did not need, I offered it to her free...and when my vaccuum cleaner broke, she fixed it free. Her daughter needed shoes and wore my daughters size. when my daughter went to Europe, many of her new and used clothes were given to Svetlana.

When you see someone hungry, do you offer them food? my children have given their food to others many times. when they were small we would go to McDonalds and homeless people would beg. they would order and then give their food to the homeless people..and then we would go home and eat...inside I was proud of them...I did it on purpose. I let them choose to give it away.

One Christmas we descided to give gifts to an illegal Mexican boy who had no father and had no shoes to wear to school. The kids all got only one small gift but we shopped for two weeks for the boy and his mother and grandmother who worked in the fields 7 days(all day) each week.

The kids are 18, 20, and 27 now and they still say that was the best christmas we ever had.

I took them to a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving one time to eat their turkey dinners...they had heartache and ate with smelly and dirty people...when we left they were quiet...a few days later they could not stop talking about things they wanted to do to daughter made Tshirts to sell for $10 each and benefits went to the soup kitchen. My son said he felt like no one is better than anyone. The other son descided he was going to volunteer for the boys and girls club nearby so he could tutor children who had no father, to be an example for them.

thanks for letting me share.
2006-06-12 05:46:11 UTC
Havent put much thought into it...
2006-06-11 21:20:15 UTC
come again??? next time in english
That one guy
2006-06-12 20:15:30 UTC
i would honestly tell you but your question is just to confusing
2006-06-12 16:42:38 UTC
select better politicians.
2006-06-12 03:48:09 UTC
------make it profitable for the people doing the helping-----
2006-06-12 01:02:08 UTC
2006-06-11 16:16:52 UTC
making reforms and laws to stop corrupt corporate powers that be from destroying our economy, like trying to create a disposable society in America that resembles the one in Japan the baraku, punish corporations and take their assets that actively recruit immigrants rather than criminalizing the poor and nurse,clergy, and social workers who assist them and leave them here with no protection from being physically and financially abused by corporate owners who may pay them or not, and like Hersheys company whose company uses child slaves in other countries and cut the feet off one whom tried to escape, by dealing with all these well documented human rights abuses by international human rights groups organizations instead of pretending they don't exist by not acknowledging reality in maistream media ,by not widening the gap between the have mores and the have nots, medicine via insurance company fraud greed, new meidcare laws ,taking the tentacles of the pharmacuetical companies out of our research and drug development efforts and get them out of bed with the fda, criminalize lobbyist for perpetuating the corporate and legilative abuses of power .at the expense of private and publicsaftey and humanity ,such as being able to pay a fine in response to dumping toxins in the environment and the fine cost less than the lobbyist who got legislation pased to protect the offending company,

if corporate powers that be may subvert the law for profit at the expense of humanity and democrat and republican incumbents, do not take responsibility and ensure this republic represents people not corporate interests as our founding forefathers intended rather than pimp out democracy to the highest bidding lobbyist, then problems like poverty will continue to escalate, big government does not support self sustaining or land sustaining or organic farming, Montesanto patented seeds(life) created ones that will be good for one crop and die out so countries must continue to buy seeds, the privitization of water in third world countires and other practices that are conditional upon taking a loan from the world bank also serve to escalate these issues when we allow capitalism to become corrupt and cover up rather than publicly disclose all wrongdoings ,this becomes capitalism at it's worst and is no better than communism or sociallism, when capitalism is practiced in moderation ,meaning it is not okay to make a profit at the expense of public health and social justice, it is a good system,

also if we stop diverting obscene amounts of money into the military budget and creating laws on the macrolevel of society to promote military recruitment ,this will help reduce poverty, for example raising college tuitios,cutting federal funds for scholarships and loans for higher education helps keep the working poor ,poor. holding school funding hostage until all names ,numbers and addresses of high school students to military recruitors while punishing teachers for failing to adequately teach in understaffed,underfunded, overcrowded positions with inadequate supplies and then using this as justification to further cut funding under the guise of no left behind

severely limits the education poor children recieve, these issues on the macrolevel of society serve the military's interests, making this one of the primary ways to get into college by increasing the financial disparity and recruiting heavily in these communities

we have no moneto pay for any social reforms yet the military recruiters in my area come to college and offer 1000 dollars a person that you refer to them and then enlists, that is an awful lot of money for recruting someone ,all those recuiters all across the nation, the problem lies in our priorities and has more to do with classism than anything else when the top ceos in the country are making an average of 26% more a year and the working mans average salary has dropped and the oil companies post profits,that is profit after all the bills and taxes are paid at over 300% and recieve millions of dollars in uneeded tatax cuts and the american people pay for it at 4.00 a gallon, and other instances of corporate greed like this continue to plague our society unchecked things will continue to spiral downhill as they are,

to change we must stop attacking each other as liberals and republicans and find some common ground so that we may create a plan using the paradigm for change together, which is knowledge, planning, and desire. when we allow ourselves to be manipulated by fear and hatred out of patriotism, party favoritism, religious or moral values and etnocentricities , we sentence ourselves to helpless ignorance as we use our emotional minds. critical thinking requires objectivity and along with moderation will lead us to the road of success and we must keep our eyes on the goal rather than focus on the problem which is sabotaging.

it is possible to create effective changes, we just need to take responsibilty to change and not wait around for someone else to do it for us and think for ourselves
2006-06-12 06:37:29 UTC
Please read the post at the website posted and make your own conclusions
2006-06-12 03:04:11 UTC
new world order..........................stop wasting money on wars and space programs
Jol Q and A
2006-06-12 02:25:34 UTC
Dear Dr. Sachs:

Is this you asking? :) You are the Guru!! please teach us
2006-06-12 09:33:09 UTC
Well I- Say what!?!?!
♥♥ ĎᵲέӚϻ_ῬѓїЍϚ€$Ṧ ♥♥
2006-06-12 05:11:05 UTC
2006-06-12 16:24:29 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.